Ah, Memorial Day weekend. I’ve never been one to really enjoy a holiday weekend, with the exception of the extra day off from work, naturally. Don’t get me wrong, in theory a long weekend should be glorious but in my experience, they are always built up to be “the best time ever” and you ultimately end up being let down. This past weekend, however, was super fun. Sydne and I were practically glued at the hip and we had a blast going out in Hollywood and getting sushi at Omi (aka our favorite cheap sushi spot), going to a fun Hollywood Hills BBQ and then ending the holiday weekend with a little biking/drinking on the strand in Hermosa Beach. Seem like a lot to fit into three days? Yeah, it was. I’m exhausted but perhaps a little optimistic that future holiday weekends won’t be the disaster that they’ve been in the past.
Biking, on the way back from The Strand
photo credit: Sydne “I don’t break for babies” Summer
Hermosa Beach