Is black light makeup the next big thing? – BellaSugar
Earth Day 2010 product round-up – The Jet Set Girls
Rebecca Minkoff reports on Coachella fashion – Lucky
The best eats from NYC’s SoHo Park – The Style Eater
Search Honestly Jamie
Is black light makeup the next big thing? – BellaSugar
Earth Day 2010 product round-up – The Jet Set Girls
Rebecca Minkoff reports on Coachella fashion – Lucky
The best eats from NYC’s SoHo Park – The Style Eater
So It’s 2009 and I’m BACK! Not much of a segway but I came across the best article on BellaSugar today. How to create a looped ponytail. Boy does this take me back, LOL. I used to think this was the COOLEST hairstyle ever back in the days of elementary school…enjoy the step-by-step directions.
So I’m kind of in love with this Jem costume idea I saw on I mean, who didn’t think Jem was “truly outrageous” when they were growing up in the 80s? Anyway, you can easily be Jem for Halloween with the right pink wig and pink face makeup. The video on BellaSugar is kind of unnecessarily long (and super cheesy) but it has a few good tips for how to do the pink stars around your eyes! AND I even found a great Jem outfit…oh and they have one of the Misfit outfits too! UGH, memories…
L to R (Aja, Shana, Kimber, Jem, Stormer, Pizzazz, and Roxy)