So you saw my post on Vajazzling but let’s take it up a notch and talk about the latest craze, Vatooing. Yes, you read that correctly. In this 2.0 version, instead of getting your crotch bedazzled, you’re getting a faux tattoo. BUT the best part is that’s is a two-for-one type deal cause for the $115 Vatooing price, you also get a full bikini wax from the experts at Completely Bare. What’s next?
UPDATE: They just uploaded a video and it’s a-mazing. Check it out HERE.
So living the LA life, I’m pretty much always dressed for summer…which is still something to get used to coming from the east coast, let me tell you. It seems like I’m in a bikini at least once a week and it’s been causing major stress on my bikini line, as well as my mental state. I used to wax in college because I found this amazing, cheap little hole in the wall that would do a Brazilian for $25 (NO JOKE) but then after college, I got lazy and/or stopped caring as much since I was so busy working that I didn’t really even have time for the beach. Fast forward to LA 2010. I can’t even tell you how many times someone yells “let’s go to the hot tub” and I cringe and have to think “ugh, am I prepared for the hot tub right now?”
After complaining non-stop to Sydne, she finally talked me into trying out laser hair removal and ladies, I’m never looking back. Since I was also about to go to New York, I figured why not try out the famous Completely Bare Hi-Tech Spa, known for their laser hair removal and also happens to be near my old apartment (tear). My technician was FABULOUS. I was a litle freaked out because one, a stranger was about to look at my vajay and two, because well…lasers are scary!
My technician poured on globs of gel (kinda like Vaseline) and I prepared myself for the first laser snap to come. Not gonna lie…it was a bit shocking but mostly cause I just didn’t know what to expect. After the first few “snaps,” as I like to call them, you kinda just get used to the feeling and it doesn’t hurt so much after that. Overall the pain is WAY less than waxing so I think it totally worth it.
The results so far? I went about a week with ZERO hair growth, which I think is totally amazing after just ONE treatment (you usually need about 4-6 to see long-lasting results). I’m definitely going back from treatment number two in another three weeks.
So bikini season is coming and one body part that’s often forgotten is your bum. Cindy Barshop, owner of completely bare spa in New York, developed a very useful bikini/bum facial to minimize the damage from continual trauma from a bad wax, excessive shaving and ingrown hairs resulting in discoloration, scarring and hyper-pigmentation. The treatment also treats acne, age spots and rough skin on the buttocks, ensuring that skin looks flawless in even the most itsy-bitsy of bikinis. At the end of the treatment, skin feels baby smooth to the touch! If you’re in New York, you should definitely check it out.
Step 1: Cleansing the area
Step 2: Crystal Microdermabrasion – exfoliates dead skin and scars of ingrown hairs
Step 3: Steaming – to help with the extractions of ingrown hairs and acne, as well as open pores
Step 4: Soothing Organic Mask – to close the pores and balance the skin
Step 5: LED Light Therapy -Green LED reduces melanoma production and pigmenation, BlueLED prevents bacteria and acne, Yellow LED detoxifies.