Baby’s First Chemical Peel

I’m not gonna lie, I was definitely a little scared when I agreed to try out a SkinCeuticals chemical peel at Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery, Inc.  In my head, whenever I think of someone getting a chemical peel, I think of Samantha from Sex and the City and the aftermath of her peel (see HERE for a photo)…oh my god, I can’t even.

However, I was pleasantly surprised and delighted with the results!  I tried out the MicroPeel which is a 30 minute treatment that helps reduce the primary signs of photoaging — fine lines and wrinkles, dullness and visible skin imperfections.  The steps?  They were simple and best of all, didn’t hurt at all.

Step 1: Dermaplanning – manual exfoliation to physically remove dead epidermal skin cells

Step 2: Alpha Hydroxy Acid – chemical exfoliation to clear clogged pores with the applicaton of a SkinCeuticals AHA solution.

Step 3: Cryogenic Therapy – My favorite part.  They applied frozen carbon dioxide “slush” to further remove obstructive debris, blackheads and sun-damaged skin cells.  This treatment is anti-inflammatory, tightens skin and reduces the prominence of pores.

The verdict?  My skin was incredibly smooth and people told me that I looked like I was glowing for days after.

Ciel Spa at the SLS Hotel, Thanks to Rue La La

A few months ago, the reps for Rue La La reached out to me with an a-pause-mazing deal.  Basically, they had a deal with Ciel Spa at the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills for a 60 minute facial for only $90!  Seriously.  Now, I definitely don’t get facials as often as I should (shame, I know) but I loooove the SLS Hotel and so yeah, I jumped at the chance…well sort of.  Putting it all out there, I totally forgot about the Rue deal and then found the email right before it was about to expire.  Yeah, I’m honest.  But let me tell you…finding this facial deal was FATE.  The Ciel Spa did not dissapoint; it actually has one of the nicest waiting rooms/lounges that I’ve ever seen at a spa and my facial was to die for.  I’ve been through a lot of stress lately (more on that later) and it’s been showing on my skin, for sure.  My facialist evaluated my skin and told me the usual “your skin is so dry!” “your skin is so red!” Yeah, yeah, hunny…I know.  I have dry, sensitive skin that’s acne-prone and I have Rosacea.  WELCOME TO MY TWENTIES.  After I listened to the lecture, she did her thing cleaning out my pores, exfoliating and moisturizing.  One tip that I took with me – use more hyaluronic acid.  I’ve always know H.A. was good stuff but never really made it a point to actually use a product focused on the ingredient.  The facialist seemed to think that using more H.A. would help with my dryness and would still allow me to (every once in awhile) use Retinol, even though my skin is so sensitive.

I immediately dug through my beauty closet and found Arcona’s Magic White Ice, a daily hydrating gel serum that hydrates with hyalruronic acid and cranberry complex and neutralizes free radicals with vitamins B-5, C and E.  I am LOVING this stuff so far.  I put it on after I cleanse my face and then apply a heavy moisturizer (like my Kiehl’s Rosa Arctica).  LOVE.

Emmy Facials at Kate Somerville

When you live in Los Angeles, it’s really hard not to catch Emmy fever.  Even though I’m not actually attending the Emmys this year (or last year, or the year before that), I still use this “Emmy week” as a reminder that hey, I really need a facial to get my skin “red carpet-ready,” even if the red carpet is really just my tan carpet that resides inside my apartment.

On Thursday night, I was treated to the signature Kate facial at LA’s infamous Kate Somerville Clinic in West Hollywood in honor of the award show and ugh, yeah…boy did I need it.  First, let me say I’m in love with the signature facial – it starts off with enzymatic exfoliation and extractions followed by a customized treatment mask.  I, my friends, had way more extractions that I normally do which did not make this girl happy one bit!  But, on the bright side my dry, sensitive skin does really well with Kate’s products (as you can read here) and when I left I was super excited to receive a few of the newer products including the True Lash Lash Enhancing Eye Makeup Remover so stay tuned for a review on that soon.


Reader Question: How do I get rid of embarassing blackheads?

Question: I need your beauty help! So embarassing, I have so many blackheads- more than I’ve ever had!  Nobody can see them, obvi, unless they are close up and personal but I feel gross.  What do I do?  Do I need a facial???  I’ve never had one!- “S”

Hi “S”!

I feel your pain.  I get tiny little blackheads on my nose that only I can see but it drives me nuts!  The best (and easiest) thing to do is to yes, get a facial.  The facialist will use a special tool to clear out the blackhead bacteria and while it is a little uncomfortable (especially around the nose area), it’s totally worth it.  Once you’re “cleaned out” you should use a blackhead specific product that also helps to minimize pore size.  Dr. Brandt Pores No More Vacuum Cleaner Blackhead and Oil Remover is, in one word, a-mazing.  It’s formulated with alpha and beta hydroxy acids that help loosen blackheads while absorbing excess oils from your pores, preventing new blackheads from forming.

As far as facials, you don’t need to go anywhere fancy just for a good extraction.  I’d suggest checking out SpaFinder.com and finding a semi-decent spa that has good reviews.

Good luck, girl- let me know how it goes. =)

