Hair extensions UPDATE!

So back in early January I got my very first set of hair extensions; it’s been about three months now and I’m still totally obsessed!  As far as maintenence and care, I’ve been following all of the rules that the staff at The Doves Studio told me (e.g make sure they’re not sticking together, don’t use too much product, etc.) and I’m really happy that I went with Hair Dreams since there were so many hair extension brand choices and it was hard to decide.  This is high-quality hair people, no one can ever tell I have extensions in!

I did experience about 10 pieces falling out after a month and so I called The Doves and asked if this was normal (it is not).  Turns out pieces do sometimes fall out but since so many had fallen out in such a short amount of time, they wanted me to come in and check them out.  In about an hour The Doves staff replaced the missing pieces and we realized that the hair they were attached to was probably too fine to hold the bond and since I got “touched up,” only one or two pieces have fallen out since!  Success.  I’m going to be majorly bummed when I have to get them taken out in a month or so.  Stay tuned for one more update!

Hair extensions UPDATE!

So back in early January I got my very first set of hair extensions; it’s been about three months now and I’m still totally obsessed!  As far as maintenence and care, I’ve been following all of the rules that the staff at The Doves Studio told me (e.g make sure they’re not sticking together, don’t use too much product, etc.) and I’m really happy that I went with Hair Dreams since there were so many hair extension brand choices and it was hard to decide.  This is high-quality hair people, no one can ever tell I have extensions in!

I did experience about 10 pieces falling out after a month and so I called The Doves and asked if this was normal (it is not).  Turns out pieces do sometimes fall out but since so many had fallen out in such a short amount of time, they wanted me to come in and check them out.  In about an hour The Doves staff replaced the missing pieces and we realized that the hair they were attached to was probably too fine to hold the bond and since I got “touched up,” only one or two pieces have fallen out since!  Success.  I’m going to be majorly bummed when I have to get them taken out in a month or so.  Stay tuned for one more update!

2011 True Life: I got hair extensions

So I’ve pretty much always been the queen of volumizing and thickening hair products which is why it was no surprise that I became very obsessed with the idea of trying out hair extensions.  However, I know most people get extensions for length…but I want them for VOLUME, sisters.  My hair, yeah…it grows super fast and really I can grow it out as long as I want to, but what do I dream of?  Soft, thick, glossy locks that I can whip around a la Willow Smith (yes, I openly admit that I want to whip my hair back and forth).

Enter Hairdreams Hair Extensions.  After vigourous research (aka reading beauty blogs and watching YouTube videos), I decided that Hairdreams would be a great brand to go with and that I wanted bonded extensions, which are meant to last about 4-6 months. The way my hair grows, I’m betting they’ll last me closer to 4 months but I’m certainly excited to find out!  Hairdreams sent me to The Doves Studio in Santa Monica where Chris, their resient extensions expert, hooked me up with some hair in two different shades of blonde, for that icy blonde highlights look that I covet.

photo: me (with new extensions on New Years Eve)

It’s been five days so far and the results are fantasticly amazing.  I nearly cried when I put my hair up into a high bun and (gasp) I actually had a BUN to speak of.  My other favorite thing so far is that I’ve literally only washed my hair ONCE since getting the extensions put in, which, if I can keep that up, will drastically improve the health of my actual hair.  Stay tuned for more updates on 2011 True Life: I got hair extensions.


Getting started at The Doves Studio in Santa Monica