My Hair Extensions: Grand Finale

As you’ve been reading, I’ve had Hair Dreams hair extensions in for the last several months and, as all good things come to an end, it was time for them to come out.  I couldn’t have been happier with the results and you can read HERE to see all my other posts and photos.  

The photo above is me (and my BFF Dawn) post-extensions and you can see that my hair, though shorter and finer, is still perfectly healthy and not damaged at all.  Pretty impressive after nearly 6 months of extensions!  The most common question I get is “well how long is your real hair?”  My “real hair” is actually quite long and grows really fast but I love my extensions for volume and thickness.  All fine-haired girls need to know that you can make your hair thicker with extensions and, since they’re made from real hair, the extensions actually blend really well into your natural hair…no one ever knew I had extensions in, trust.  I decided to give my hair a “rest” for 3-4 months and then I’ll go in for another round of Hair Dreams.  I can’t WAIT.

Hair Extensions Update: The Finale

Nadine, Jamie C., Sydne, me at a friend’s surprise birthday BBQ

It was time. I laughed, I cried, I get my Hair Dreams hair extensions taken out.  You might remember my last update back in March, where I got “touched up” a bit and was told that I could keep my extensions in for another two(ish) months…I was elated.  Well it came to a point where they were way grown out and sadly, it was that time.  I never thought that I would’ve grown so attached to someone else’s hair but ladies, I did.  I can’t reccomend them enough and a big part of that was also my experience at The Doves Studio, who was amazing at matching the exact shade of blonde that I wanted, helping me with my questions and just having overall amazing customer service.  (Make sure to ask for Chris Rosario!)

But I digress, it was time for them to come out and yeah, I was definitely nervous about how my natural hair was gonna look after five months of having the extensions in.  The result?  Well it was certainly a shock to see how my natural hair didn’t look or feel the way it had with the extensions IN…but overall, my natural hair stayed extremely healthy with almost no breakage!  I immediately needed my highlights touched up and The Doves Studio was nice enough to give me a slightly darker blonde shade for summer (in the above photo).  I thought it might be fun to go slightly darker during the summer months and my colorist actually lightened my entire base color before putting the highlights in, making maintenance a bit easier.  What do you guys think?