How To Look Chic While Wearing Pajamas

My uniform, sophomore year of college

I spent an entire semester of college wearing an orange Hofstra hooded sweatshirt and black velour sweatpants.  Why? No reason, in particular.  It was winter in New York, which meant that it was cold and rainy and I had a weird class schedule that allowed me to sleep until 11 AM every day.  It was pure heaven.

After seeing this story on pajama fashion and this photo of Rihanna wearing pajamas to a club, I was reminded of a conversation that I had freshman year of college with a guy friend (who I later dated). I’m my mother’s daughter in the sense that I think that every stranger I see is either A, trying to rape me or B, trying to rape me and then kill me.  So naturally, when my roommate told me she was going across campus at 10 PM by herself, I insisted that she let me walk her.  This plan didn’t really make sense since once she left, I would then be alone, so I asked the guy friend if he wanted to come for the walk.  He said yes and I responded with “ok, cool…let me just change.”  He stared up and down at my outfit, which consisted of purple drawstring pajama pants and a grey Hofstra sweatshirt and said “why are you changing?”  This question confused me.  Pre-college, I wouldn’t have been caught dead walking around in my pajamas…let alone with my hair in a ponytail.  I was taken aback and became kind of frazzled by his response so I just murmured “ok, um…yeah, I guess this is fine…we’re just walking across campus, right? Haha.”  I tried to laugh off my own silliness, even though I didn’t think it was so silly.  Now, at 29, I LIVE for wearing pajamas and sweats.  Granted, I usually wear nice sweats but nothing gives me more joy than not putting real clothes on for an ENTIRE WEEKEND.  Here are a few tips on how to look chic while wearing your pajamas in public:

1-) Don’t wear anything with stains or rips.  That’s homeless person chic, but not in that Olsen twin kinda way.

2-) Carry a nice bag.  You might be wearing blue striped PJ pants from Target but you’re also carrying a $800 Alexander Wang bag. It’s called high/low, ladies.

3-) Wear expensive sunglasses.  Aside from the fact that they add to the high/low factor (see above), they’ll also cover the dark circles and bags under your eyes…since I’m sure you also don’t wanna put any makeup on. Duh.

4-) Walk with an attitude.  You’re wearing your pajamas.  Outside in public.  You need to exude that “I don’t give a shit” ‘tude and show everyone that you’re comfortable and you don’t care.

#InstaMoments of the Week

Yet another reason I love being home in New York

I’m obsessed with my new Hofstra gold glitter tank.  Obsessed.

My newphew, aka Captain America, is camera-shy

After three years, I finally felt an earthquake while in my apartment

My neighborhood.  Stay cool, Hollywood

Instagram cut off my feet but I’m wearing a DVF dress, Sole Society black patent heels and vintage earrings that were a birthday gift from my friend Tiffany


Follow me on Instagram: @ItsJamieStone

Life Lessons From Long Island…

I spent the last few days in New York with my family, hence the lack of posts.  I found out on Tuesday night that my mom had a heart attack and, of course, immediately flew home.  Thankfully, she’s going to be ok; she had three stents inserted into her artery (to keep it open) and the doctors say that as long as she takes her blood thinner meds and NEVER smokes again, she will be alright.  I’ve never been a fan of cigarettes…you can ask my friends and they’ll tell you how I’ve shamed them for smoking and even helped a few quit!  But when my 58-year-old mother (e.g. “waaaay too young for this shit,” as her doctor put it) had a brush with death, I couldn’t help but freak out.

Once I found out that my mom was going to be ok, I got a little nostalgic and took a drive over to my old college, Hofstra University.  My four years at Hofstra were honestly some of the best years of my life and I had a really hard time letting go of it all in the year or two after I graduated.  Walking around campus was a pretty surreal experience; seeing the class of 2016 (yes, seriously, 2016) move into their new dorms…they look SO YOUNG and so excited.  I felt genuine excitement for them and, of course, a slight twinge of jealousy.  It was then that I realized that as much as I’d like to go back, I’ve learned so much since that time and I wouldn’t change any of the experiences that I’ve had then AND since then, bad or good, for anything in the world.  My memories from college are just that…AMAZING MEMORIES.  Sitting in front of my freshman year dorm, Estabrook Hall (photo above), I thought about all of the fun (and not so fun) times I had and I had an instant smile on my face.

The above photo is the path back to Estabrook from the Student Center.  As I walked towards the split, there was a group of girls who chose the middle path.  I immediately thought: oh, they will learn that while the middle path is “prettier” the path to the right is the more direct route…and boy, will they appreciate that as soon as the temperature drops down to 40 degrees.  It was a random thought but one that made me happy…and also symbolic of the choices that we make in life and how they affect everything in your future.  Here’s to making good life decisions and choices, like not smoking or doing things that will harm you in your future.  Let me mother’s mistake be a lesson to all of us.  Life is precious, and way too short to be unhappy.

Graduation Gifts

Ah, graduation.  I just got back from a quick weekend trip to New York and during my visit, I visited my friend Vanessa at Hofstra, my alma mater.  Vanessa lives in an apartment on campus as a professional resident director which, in my opinon, is totally bitter sweet.  I would’ve killed to be able to stay in college and live that lifestyle for a few extra years but at this point, at 28 (or 29 for V), she’s started calling the students “the kids” and says she feels like an old woman around them.  I totally get it. And, I digress.  It was nice to visit Hofstra, a place that I still consider to be the happiest four years of my adult life, but I’ve definitely moved past that point and I think I’ve finally let go a bit and realized that my memories there are mine and they’ll last forever or as long as I want them to.

Cheesy rant aside, this got me thinking about graduation gifts.  Of course, money will always be the number one gift of choice but I’ve also come up with a few more creative gifts that any grad would be thrilled to receive.

“Do what you love, love what you do” pillow: This is an excellent motto for any optimistic graduate.

David’s Cookies Cookie of the Month Club: Um, I can’t think of anything more exciting than getting a new batch of delicious cookies mailed to me every month.  In fact, I’m thinking about gifting this to myself.

Wine Grape Bosai Tree: This is both a challenge and entertainment.  I’ve always had a hard time keeping plants alive and since this plant actually grows wine grapes, it would be fun to see if I can get the grapes to actually grow.

“Thrilled For You!” Wine: No card necessary.  I love that the bottle expresses exactly what you want to say…and what college graduate doesn’t love wine?

Tory Burch business card holder: Getting a little profesh here.  I love Tory’s business card holders and if any entry-level candidate whipped out one of these on an interview, I’d be super impressed.