Tuesday Web Candy

Do you even know how much research Refinery29 saved me? I was totally googling “how to survive the apocolypse” after Sandy happened –Refinery29

Barney’s New York collabs with Disney for a really cute display of holiday cartoons – FabSugar

Rita Hazan set to launch color hair sprays.  I’m in. – InStyle

CHANEL is producing a hoola hoop hand bag, thanks to the powers of social media – Allure

Look how AMAZING Jessica Simpson looks. You go, girl. – UsWeekly

24 awesome and terrible things about being an adult. TRUTH. – TheFrisky

My girl Kristen has THE Thanksgiving tabletop DIY for you – GlitterNGlue

Highlights with Rita Hazan

So I was recently given an awesome opportunity to try out one of the country’s most sought-after colorist, Ms. Rita Hazan.  Rita is known for setting beauty trends and reinventing the locks of some of your favorite celebs so needless to say, I was elated when I found out Rita was available to see me during her monthly trip out to the West coast.

I headed over to the Andy Lecompte salon in West Hollywood on a gorgeous, sunny Sunday afternoon.  I was a little nervous, considering I was about to meet such an epic colorist but I managed to pull it together and have a really amazing hair transforming experience.  Rita spent a few minutes talking to me about my hair and then decided that she wanted to lighten my base before applying my blonde highlights.  Who am I to argue with the master?  The result?  Though the shade isn’t as blonde as I normally like it, I do really love the beautiful hue.  It’s a golden blonde that looks really natural and is blended to perfection.

Bonus- Cacee Cobb, aka Jessica Simpson’s BFF, walked into the salon to chat with Rita and the staff and I got to hear tales from her travels while filming The Price of Beauty.  Love it.  This photo was taken the day after visiting Rita:

(a little blurry but) me, Nadine Jolie and Abby Gardner at Dan Tana’s in West Hollywood

Leave Jessica Simpson Alone!

So I have to say that I’m completely and utterly disgusted by what the media (bloggers included) have been saying about Jessica Simpson. Kudos go out to sister Ashlee for making a public statement, which I couldn’t have said better myself.

“I am completely disgusted by the headlines concerning my sister’s weight. A week after the inauguration and with such a feeling of hope in the air for our country, I find it completely embarrassing and belittling to all women to read about a woman’s weight or figure. All women come in different shapes, sizes, and forms and just because you’re a celebrity, there shouldn’t be a different standard…How can we expect teenage girls to love and respect themselves in an environment where we criticize a size 2 figure? Now can we focus on the things that really matter.”

I still also stand by the fact that yes, she has put on a little weight BUT that outfit was also just not right for her body type, hence, making it worse. Oy. Stay strong, Jessica!