Three questions with Tory Burch


So I’m practically giddy right now.  I had the pleasure of meeting Tory Burch a few months back when she held a breakfast at her Meatpacking District store in NYC.  She’s even more lovely than I could’ve imagined and quite inspiring as well.  I loved hearing all about how she gets inspired by her travels (especially Venice- my favorite city ever) and how she got started and plans to grow her business.  Enter 2010.  I’ve decided that 2010 will be my year to finally accomplish some of my long-term goals that I’ve been kind of putting around for the last few years and being a major procrastinator.  I’m living in LA now (on my own!) and I find that I meet some many interesting, passionate people that I made the decision to dedicate the occasional blog post to people worthy of all our time.  Tory is one of those people that you need to get to know.  As a woman, mother and entrepreneur I’m very excited to get Tory’s take on advice, career and her biggest guilty pleasure.



If you could give your 24-year-old self any advice, what would it be?

Beauty-related, I would tell my younger self to never leave the house without moisturizer with SPF.  I wear Pat Wexler’s Tinted Moisturizer now.

What do you love most about your career?

I’m lucky enough to have a day job I feel passionately about.  Every day I’m surrounded by the most creative people, both design-wise and business-wise.

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

I have a soft spot for fresh beignets.  Heavy on the powdered sugar.


Thanks, Tory!  For even more, follow Tory on Twitter!