Happy 7th Blogiversary!

I don’t know if I believe in fate but I DO believe that everything happens for a reason.  And, with that said, I’m excited, yet also shocked, that today is my blog’s 7th blogiversary.  How CRAZY is that?!  I mean…seven years of beauty reviews (and more)?  I just can’t.  What’s even more shocking is that as of Tuesday, I am FULL TIME BLOGGER.  Yes, that’s right…I’m going for it, guys.  It’s all happening.  I’m 30 now, and it’s time for me to take chances, dream big and live my life to the fullest.  So here we go…happy 7th blogiversary to ME.

Also, happy 7th blogiversary to Amber, who, ironically enough, started her blog on the EXACT SAME DAY.  How crazy is that?

The Monday Rundown

Trying out a new format this week!  If you’re not familiar, I started doing The Monday Rundown as a roundup of four things (1 from each category: beauty, fashion, lifestyle, food) that make it a little easier to get through the worst day of the week…Monday.  Let me know if you like the new format or if you prefer the old look.

Spent the weekend with the above view.  Malibu is truly a gem of Southern California.

I recently took my first ballet class in about three years…and holy hell, am I sore.

Chiptole is probably one of my biggest guilty pleasures and I treated my self to a delish chicken fajita bowl on Saturday afternoon.

I’m not huge into lipstick (I prefer gloss) but when I found out that this beauty was named specifically after my friend Meg, I HAD to try it.  And yes, I love it just as much as I love her.

What I’m Doing Right Now…

Freaking OUT about the fact that my blog is being held hostage and, after spending a fortune on a redesign, I’m not sure when I can actually launch it.  SIGH.

– Drinking my favorite red wine and reading the new InStyle.

– Looking at my Instagram photos and feeling so lucky to have some amazing friends and people in my life!

– Trying to figure out how to get my cat, Gemma, to stop scratching my couch.  Any ideas?  And, yes, I’ve tried buying a scratching post…this is what they do with it.

– Contemplating cutting my hair to this length…but I probably won’t.

– Anxiously awaiting The Mindy Project…I’m kind of over New Girl.

Update: Under Construction

There’s nothing more frustrating than having to wait…fact.  And, if you’ve been following me on Twitter (and now Facebook!) then you know I’ve been patiently waiting for my new site design to launch!  Getting to the point, things happen, e.g. technical difficulties that only coders can understand, so there’s a slight delay in my launch, which sucks.  Stay tuned, ladies…patience is a virtue.

And, in the mean time, like my new Facebook page!


Thirty, Flirty and THRIVING…With a Black & White Affair

I’ve been putting this post off since March 9th (my actual 30th birthday) and I’m not quite sure why, aside from my usual lazy factor.  I think it’s probably because I’m pretty much terrifed to think about what 30 actually means to me; but, alas, here we are…and I’m TOTALLY thirty, flirty and thriving.  Jane, my best friend since 4th grade, texted me on my birthday and she was asking me how I felt, now that I’m 30.  My response?  I feel like 30 is the year that you accept yourself for who you really are, and not just who you aspire to be.  For me, I feel like it’s finally time for me to embrace the fact that I am a stone-cold weirdo, no pun intended.  At this point in my life (after 30 years of living!) I have a solid group of loving friends and family and they actually like me for me, so it’s time that I just say “hey, THIS IS ME, take it or leave it” to everyone that I encounter.  I’m so lucky to have all of the friends that I do in Los Angeles, especially considering that I knew about three people when I moved here 3.5 years ago!  Here are some of my favorite photos from my birthday celebration at Aventine Hollywood.

You’ve Heard of Revenge Sex…But How About Revenge Beauty?

After getting dumped (or generally just treated like crap), everyone will react differently; some girls will eat tons of junk food, others go shopping and splurge on beauty treatments.  The latter is THIS GIRL right here.  For the amount of money that I’ve spent pampering myself out of depression over the past few years, I could seriously buy a townhouse in SoHo.  I wish I were kidding…but here it is, sometimes (ok, most of the time) treating myself just makes me FEEL BETTER and there’s nothing wrong with that.  So basically, I take the whole “treat yo self” from Parks and Recreation thing to a whole other level after some douchebag decides that he’s “just not that into me” or stops calling.  Here’s a breakdown of what I do for my revenge beauty treatment:

Step 1: Book a massage appointment somewhere fancy, and with a male masseuse.

I don’t really have to explain why massages are awesome.  For one, it’ll help you relax and you’ll start thinking about how that asshole didn’t know how to give a proper massage and how much hotter your male masseuse is, compared to that dick you now hate.  And here’s a tip, if they ask you what area you want to focus on, say you feel tension in your lower back…this means that you’ll probably end up getting your butt massaged which, I can’t lie, feels pretty amazing.

Step 2: Buy that really expensive beauty product that you previously said “I can’t. It’s too much for what it is” to.  I don’t know what it is about face masks but I just can’t bring myself to buy them.  I read about Boscia’s Luminizing Black Mask in a few magazines but when I realized that the mask costs $34, I didn’t buy it.  It’s actually not THAT much money, in beauty terms, but I’ve always held strong when it comes to face masks since I don’t feel like they actually ever DO anything to my face.  But when you’re in beauty revenge mode, you buy that shit right this minute.  And here I am…black face mask and all my beauty revenge glory:

Step 3: Drink.  It’s a simple one but drink those high-calorie drinks that you normally pass up for a vodka soda.  Mimosas!  Margaritas!  Hell, even go for a Strawberry Daiquiri if that’s your deal.  And, if you’re in New York City, I can even do you one better.  The wine-based skincare line Caudalie has a spa at the Plaza Hotel where they actually do wine-based treatments and even serve wine in the relaxation/waiting area.  I’ve been.  And it’s glorious, trust me.  You can kill two birds with one stone (steps 1 and 3, and maybe even step 2) just by going there.  The Dry Body Fresh Grape Massage is amazing, though very sticky, and you can pretty much get wasted before and after the massage actually takes place.

Step 4: Get a blow out.  Nothing, I repeat NOTHING will make you feel better than having good hair.  Put on your favorite yoga pants and tank top (you don’t even need to get dressed, really) and get your hair blown out at a fancy salon or blow dry bar.  I promise you, you’ll instantly feel chic and put together.

Step 5: Buy a ridiculously frivolous piece of “fine leather goods.”  Parks and Recreation said it right.  Men don’t understand why we buy pointless small leather shit so NOW is the time to buy that weird Gucci heart-shaped coin purse (who carries a coin purse?) or that Tory Burch shoe key chain, just because those infamous ballet flats make you remember your college glory days.  DO IT.  Enjoy your coin purse and shoe key chain.  The next guy will appreciate them, too…but probably not really.