Not Photoshopped with StyleCaster and Feel More Better

When I was asked to be one of the 28 bloggers participating in this Not Photoshopped campaign with Feel More Better and StyleCaster, I was genuinely excited.  We’ve all seen and read the tons and tons of press that photoshopped celebs and models have garnered over the past few years, and with the increasing number of eating disorders, especially among teens, I feel passionate about the cause at heart.  As women, we need to teach our children that there is no perfect woman; Barbie isn’t real, celebrity x doesn’t really have legs that great (unless it’s Gwenyth Paltrow!) and lastly, everyone has what they might consider “flaws” but it’s our flaws that make us unique and beautiful – I truly believe this.  I’ve blogged before about my body and how staying thin is a constant struggle for me…but regardess of weight, at 29, I’ve truly accepted my body shape.  I love the fact that I have curves.  I’m not a 5’11, 100lb. runway model, I’m a 5’6, 135lb. woman.

If you want your own “Not Photo Shopped” tee, you can feel good about your purchase, not only because you’re spreading a good message but also because the company donates a new book to an underprivileged girl for every shirt purchased.  And, if you feel really passionate about the cause, you can also sign the Media and Public Health Act, which aims to pass legislation requiring advertising and editorial that meaningfully change the human through photoshopping or airbrushing to carry “Truth in Advertising” labels.

Update: Here’s the link to the StyleCaster story!

photo credit: Preston

Summer Soiree with Refine Mixers

Last night I attended Refine Mixers‘ Summer Soiree at their insanely awesome house in Venice (right off the famous Abbot Kinney), hosted by the gorgeous Ashlan Gorse.  I’m sure at this point you know about my obsession with Refine…I mean their mixers are ZERO calories and all natural, so what’s not to like?

Refine also teamed up with Joico Hair Care and Gjelina in Venice, which, I am also now obsessed with and, side note, my friend just told me it takes 3 weeks to get a reservation there…naturally, this only makes me want to go there even more.  Back to the event: guests were shuttled down from Los Angeles to Venice beach and enjoyed Refine cocktails and treats awaiting them as they entered the shuttle.  Editors and tastemakers alike came together for a special intimate dinner where they learned how to pair special mixed drinks (five, to be exact) with healthy food. At dinner guests were educated on the history of Refine Mixers, by CEO Patrick Castles, and learned and how to muttle and shake several different cocktails with the Refine Mixer flavors. Joico had a fun braid bar downstairs, where women were able to get their hair braided OR get fun, beachy wavy by the amazing celebrity colorist, George Papanikolas.


My favorite cocktail of the night: The Venice Peach Bellini (which always makes me think of studying abroard in Venice, ITALY)

  • Muddle a peach slice
  • One part Prosecco
  • A splash of Refine’s Mojito Mix
  • Garnish with a peach slice and serve


Summer To Do


You may have noticed my abundance of summer-inspired posts lately…well, I can’t help it.  Summer is a time for relaxation, hope and, most of all, FUN.  Here’s my list of to do’s:

  • Go to happy hours in Century City and Downtown LA: two places I hardly ever go!
  • Go to The Magic Castle: my friend Molly took a bunch of us there last week and this place is a-mazing.  It’s old Hollywood glamour meets sci fi fantasy fun.  Plus, it’s super close to my apartment.
  • Go to the Yamashiro Farmer’s Market: At least once a month!
  • Hike Runyon: it’s across the street.  Enough said.
  • Take ballet classes: I miss ballet in my life and I need to stop being scared of looking stupid in front of the “professional” dancers.
  • Go back to Catalina Island with my friends!
  • Take tennis lessons: almost all of my friends play tennis…it’s one of those sports I’ve always wanted to learn but never did.  It’s time.
  • Remember to go to the beach (Malibu and the South Bay–the strand is AMAZING)
  • Remember to use my roof: the pool, the jacuzzi, have guests over, swim laps, etc.



30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know By the Time She’s 30

I recently read 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know By the Time She’s 30, written by the editors of Glamour magazine.  As someone who’s turning 30 next March (eek!), I was excited to hear what the Glamour editors and several celebs had to say about turning the big 3-0, a birthday that hits so many people SO hard.  Here are some of my favorite excerpts:

You Should Have:

– A youth you’re content to move beyond: “I haven’t found the secret to life, or love, or eternal youth.  But I do know now that youth is not the blossom but the bud, and that though one cannot always be young and wild, if you are willing to learn, to grow, to outrun the mileposts of your own wildest dreams, you can always be winsome and lucky, lovely and free.” – ZZ Packer

You Should Know:

– When to try harder and when to walk away: “You should walk away from a relationship when it’s not good for you anymore.  I didn’t always know this.  I used to believe it was justifiable to do anything to find and keep a guy – throw yourself at him, try to convince him to like you.” – Kathy Griffin

– That you can’t change the length of your legs, the width of your hips, or the nature of your parents: “You know when you’re in yoga and you’re looking around, thinking, ‘wow, I wish I was that flexible,’ or ‘how come she can hold that pose’?  Well, my friend has a saying: ‘stay on your own mat.’  Not physically, but mentally.  In life, we’re all made differently: our families, our frames, our personalities and talents.  Appreciate how you were made, and stay on your mat.  That’s where happiness lies.” – Portia De Rossi

– What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love: (Wouldn’t do: Sacrifice my own happiness) “Love isn’t always enough.  It’s a hard leson because we’re raised to believe that it is – it’s in every story we hear.  But just because you love somebody and they love you back doesn’t mean you’re relationship makes sense or that it’s a good one for you both to be in.” – Lauren Conrad

– “How to treat yourself so that your employers and romantic partners and friends and even your children know how you want to be treated.” – Kimora Lee Simmons

– “…that revenge is sweet, but sometimes simply moving on with your fabulous life and forgetting all about what’s-his-name is even sweeter.” – Meg Cabot

And finally…

“By thirty you should be moving at your own speed. So what if someone else gets promoted first?  Or has flatter abs, or more mysteriously perfect hair?  Gets pregnant first – or stays gloriously single longer?  High-five her.  That’s her race.”

Summer Helpers

I love a nice lazy summer.  For me, summer is all about relaxation, the beach and not caring as much about the little things (e.g. brown roots, slightly dirty hair and uncomfortable shoes).  Here are three of my summer helper secrets:

Foot Petals: I’m obsessed with this life-saving product.  It can take shoes that normally destroy your feet to shoes that are actually comfortable.  They’re a miracle.

Rita Hazan Root Concealer for Highlights: My hair grows like a weed which makes getting my highlights touched up both annoying AND expensive.  This root concealer, made especially for highlights is great for helping me to get that extra week (or two!) before going back to the salon.

KENRA Platinum Dry Shampoo: I’m a big dry shampoo advocate and the KENRA version is pretty great.  I especially love that it has a UV defense duo, which helps protect against color fade.

How a Stone wears white


The idea for this post started off as a joke but really, it’s kind of not.  Stone is an English last name; one of the first last names ever, to be exact, and given my ancestry….well, you can see why traditionally every Stone you know is probably pasty white and freckled.  It’s for this reason that I’ve always been terrified of wearing the color white…that and my pention for spilling on myself, naturally.  Putting all of that aside, my friend Sydne and I were shopping and we came across this amazing white peplum dress at H&M and I, of course, naturally scoffed at it.

Sydne: This dress would soooo good on you. Try it on!

Me: Um…it’s white.  I’m pale and spill everything on myself.

Sydne can be very convincing.  I grabbed my size (the last one, by the way) and decided to appease her by trying it on and then showing her how ridiculous it looked on me.  

To my surprise, it looked A-mazing and I ended up buying it.  Duh.  As happy as I am that I managed to wear this dress all night with out spilling anything on me, I’m even happier to discover that a STONE CAN WEAR WHITE (proof is below!)

*To note, I was seriously self-tanned in my above photo, but STILL.

Sharon Stone, Emma Stone, Joss Stone

Hawaiian Tropic Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Swim in Miami (vote for me!)

If there’s one thing I’m vehemently passionate about, it’s SPF and safe sun.  I was featured on BellaSugar.com last May for Skin Cancer Awareness Month and was honestly SHOCKED at how many people commented on my story, saying that “vitamin D is good for you” and that you don’t really need to wear sunblock.  With that shocking fact said, I’ve partnered with Hawaiian Tropic (yes, the sunscreen that smells like coconut!) in a contest with two other beauty bloggers – I could win the chance to go with them to Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Swim in Miami this summer!

Vote for me HERE.  You just have to “like” the page (I promise they won’t spam you) and then scroll down to vote for me.  Oh, and you can vote more than once, btw!


To make things a little more interesting, if I do win, I’ll do a week’s worth of beauty and fashion giveaways as soon as the winner is announced, and guys, they will be GOOD prize packages, I promise.  You help me, I help you.
