So I’ve been all about the textured tights for the past couple of years now. It all started when an upperclassman in college gave a great presentation in my Journalism 101 class and I couldn’t seem to pay attention because I just kept staring at her patterned tights. They looked so chic paired with her black knee-length skirt suit and teal button down shirt. It was professional yet trendy and sexy at the same time. I immediately went to the mall with a mission and I found a similar and, in my opinion, even cooler pair at Nordstrom Rack that looked like fish nets but with out the holes. “Classy fishnets,” as I called them. I wore my classy fishnets to every internship interview and even my first few job interviews…and I actually just stopped wearing them about a year ago. It got to the point where every toe had a hole and there were quite a few “hidden” runs, but I just kept it going…and the compliements never stopped. I think it’s time to move onto LACE. This pair from Urban Outfitters might do the job…