VIDEO: How to use the beachwaver

Before I tried out Sarah Potempa’s BEACHWAVER, I was completely terrified of the idea of a hair tool moving by itself into my hair.  Truth.  But after trying it out, I’m completely obsessed.  Check out my how-to video and let me know what you think.  Have you tried the BeachWaver?

VIDEO: Beauty Box Exchange with MyBeautyBunny.com

You guys know I love two things more than anything: beauty and animals, so when my friend Jen and I decided to do a beauty box exchange I was excited to find out what she’d pick out to me, especially since Jen’s beauty blog is all CRUELTY-FREE.  Make sure to watch the video above to find out what Jen sent me (it’s goooood) and also check out her blog, MyBeautyBunny.com, for the low down on all things in cruelty-free beauty.

Beauty favorites from Walgreens Beauty

Sometimes the drugstore beauty aisle can be a little overwhelming, it’s true, but I was recently introduced to the fact that WALGREENS has the most amazing sales on beauty and personal care products. And by amazing, I mean 20% off amazing…every week.  I’m obsessed so spread the word.

Products featured:


walgreens logo


Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Walgreens Beauty through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Walgreens Beauty, all opinions are my own.