Truth be told, I’ve never been a big fan of VALENTINE’S DAY (Anti Valentine’s Day Gift Guide 2014 to come) and all of the forced “love” that goes along with it…I mean, shouldn’t we love our friends, families and significant others EVERY day? All that aside, one of my favorite Valentine’s Day memories is from college. I had a really rough day in class and I came back to my dorm room and found a dozen red roses from my dad. It was a really sweet gesture and definitely made up for the fact that my day royally sucked otherwise. But I digress, and I’ll save the ranting for a different post. What I AM a fan of is new apps, especially when they involve letting me create fun things to send my friends and family.
My new favorite app, justWink, has nearly 675 card options to choose from, as well as the ability to add your actual signature, photos, etc. and can be sent via text, email, Facebook or Twitter, really giving you no excuse not to send a Valentine or two. Another feature that I really love is the fact that you can actually have the card send to someone via (gasp) snail mail for only $3.49, which is way less than actual greeting cards cost in store. This feature only takes about 3-5 days and you can even attach a gift card!
Download the app here.
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by justWink through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about justWink, all opinions are my own.
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[url=]コンスタンチンchaykinコンプトゥスの復活祭の時計は、あなたはそれを推測し、東方正教会の復活祭の感動的な日付を識別する顕著な挑戦に取り組むために設計されました。 パネライスーパーコピー このように、なぜ日付を計算するのが非常に難しいですか?さて、決定要因を含むので、月のサイクルは、太陽のサイクルは、エパクト、太陽の補正とより多く。chaykinのこれらの要因の全てを使用して計算をするために彼自身の方法を作成する方法を学びました、そして、彼だけにクロックを教えるように東方正教会の復活祭の日付を計算する。私たちはすぐにリストが無数の他の機能の中で、これはこの顕著な構造の目玉、大理石、真鍮、シルバー、鋼、ジュラルミン、ガラス、金、ラピスラズリ、とより多くから作られます。[/url]