Weekend To-Do


I don’t usually feature gifs, but this one was too good to resist. You MUST download Lady Gaga’s “Do What You Want” featuring none other than Miss Christina Aguilera (download HERE)

push-pop confetti

It’s not too late to celebrate your fresh start with a little push-pop confetti (image via DesignLoveFest.com)

let love in

Remember to have FUN and let love in this weekend and, of course, beyond (image via Refinery29.com)

wine cork memories

Start a new tradition. I love the idea of writing memories on wine corks and keeping them in a fun jar (image via ABeautifulMess.com)

winter fashion

Just because it’s a blizzard outside (ok, not here in LA, but still), doesn’t mean you can’t look chic (image via superficialgirls.com)

walnut and rosemary baked chicken

Try making this super easy (and fairly healthy!) walnut and rosemary baked chicken (image via MyRecipes.com)