Tomatos have always been one of my favorite foods and, good news, they’re especially in season during the summer months! Here’s a roundup of 20 awesome tomato recipes –
This literally made me laugh out loud so kudos to you, Funny Or Die. I can’t wait for the actual The Little Mermaid trailer for Sofia Coppola’s version –
I’ve never been a big fan of Valentine’s Day (case and point here, here, here and here), but when Annette, Rachael and I decided to throw a little GALentine’s party, I couldn’t say no. In true Jamie form, I’m clearly telling an inappropriate story in the above photo, but I had to share this pic because I LOVE our real smiles/laughs. Isn’t that was a GALentine’s party is all about? Body part stories aside, we did manage to get some great photos, so let us know what you think in the comments below…and have a happy Valentine’s Day.
Pouring the bubbly. We used Sophia Coppola’s super girly Blanc de Blanc
Of course, I made sure we were all properly red-lipped
Pink donuts of all sizes to bite on
We all loved Rachael’s gorgeous gold-rimmed champagne coupes. Can you even?
And now, we get to making our DIY Valentine’s Day cards…