I love nothing more than a romantic comedy and so, naturally, the movie ABOUT TIME is right up my alley. ABOUT TIME (a film from Richard Curtis, the creator of Love Actually, Notting Hill, and Four Weddings and a Funeral) tells the story of a man who has a gift that allows him to go back and relive any moment of his life. But instead of making every moment perfect, he learns that life and love are most extraordinary when you embrace all of its imperfections. There was something about the fact the he embraced the imperfections that really resonated with me. I got to thinking about SO MANY moments that I would love to relive and, of course, edit to be a more perfect version…but then I think about how those awkward and imperfect moments have really shaped who I am as a person, and I wouldn’t want to change that. Plus, Rachel McAdams is always amazing and critics are already calling ABOUT TIME “the first must-see movie of the fall” and “easily the most heartwarming, feel-great film of the season.”
ABOUT TIME opens on November 8th!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Universal Pictures through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated to write a post about ABOUT TIME, all opinions are my own.