Weekend To-Do


 Think about planning a girls’ Valentine’s Day brunch (image via CasaSugar.com)


If it’s cold where you are, enjoy it. Winter can be really, really fun (image via PinkPeonies.com)


Make yourself your childhood comfort food. Mine is definitely Italian food! (image via RamshackleGlam.com)

leopard scarf

Wear a big leopard scarf with a neutral top (image via BourbonandPearls.com)

girl doing push up

Challenge yourself physically, at least once (image via Pinterest.com)

be your own kind of beautiful

Words to live by (image via Pinterest.com)

Weekend To-Do

girls night in

Invite your BFF over for a girls night in (image via MartasWonderland.tumblr.com)


Take a stab at making one of your childhood favorite meals (image via RamshackleGlam.com)


Spend a few hours reading a book that you’ve been putting off for awhile (image via Entrepreneur.com)

face mask

Apply a super hydrating face mask, especially if you’re currently in the Polar Vortex (image via TopInspired.com)

leopard print pants

Incorporate a little (or a lot) of leopard into your wardrobe (image via Pinterest.com)

no guts no glory

No guts, no glory. Words to remember (image via Pinterest.com)

Tuesday Web Candy: Back-to-school edition

Tuesday Web Candy

A perfect study snack (and easy to make) – Ramshackle Glam

The post-graduate 15 is 100% a REAL THING. Bookmark these tips to avoid gaining – Fit Sugar

Some great tips on when to buy flights for holiday break (and/or SPRING BREAK) – The Luxury Spot

I love Amber’s list of back-to-school essentialsBeauty Blogging Junkie

I’m definitely going to try out the pear-shaped workout. These simple exercises are easy to do in a dorm or small space – Shape