Because we all need to help save our planet, and these are four easy (and also fun) ways to do so…
Recycle your clothing
I’ve been using Trashie’s Take Back bag (pictured above) for the past few years and I seriously can’t recommend it enough! We all fell victim to the Forever21-esque fast fashion of the 2010s, and every time I go through my closet I find more and more items with holes, rips, deodorant stains, etc. that really can’t be fixed/isn’t worth fixing. You buy this Take Bag bag from Trashie (return shipping is included in the cost and you also get Trashie points), fill it up with really anything – they take: apparel, socks, CLEAN underwear, sheets and pillowcases, towels, shoes, handbags, blankets, swimwear, outerwear, ski clothing, scarves, hats, mittens, gloves, jewelry, costumes, uniforms, etc. Then you mail it back and they either upcycle, recycle, donate to appropriate organizations, etc.
Now you might say “but Jamie, what if someone else might WANT my stuff?” Here’s the thing: 85% of donated clothing ends up in the landfill, even if you donate it to a reputable thrift store. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather ensure that my $13 Forever21 top with deodorant stains ends up being recycled and not in the ocean off the coast of Africa. Yes, our system is fucked – but it’s the current reality. Btw, they also have Take Back Bags for cotton fabric scraps and for kid’s clothing as well!
Buy used books
As a certified book hoarder, this is something I’m still working on to be honest (LOL). I discovered Vignette Books awhile back and it’s just an absolutely brilliant concept. While you can’t seek out specific books (try Thrift Books for that!), the founders of Vignette Books curate their book packages by “edits” – aka “The Hot Girl,” “The Romantic,” “The Dark,” etc. It’s essentially a blind date with a book (in a genre that you’re interested in) and I just love this for yourself OR as a gift!
And btw – if Amazon is the only option for you, you can always check to see if they have a used version of the book you’re looking for (they almost always do!).
Donate your old plushies (and buy used!)
Loved Before is an England-based company (and recently launched at Bloomingdale’s in the U.S.!) that saves old/used stuffed animals and plushies from the landfill by cleaning them up and reselling them (half their proceeds go to Make a Wish UK). You can donate your old plushies to them, and also buy their pre-loved cuties. Personally, I love Lassie, Bleu, Wise, and Lilith…but you can also check their website (UK-based) for their full selection.
Try bamboo toilet paper
Every time I mention bamboo toilet paper, people tend to be genuinely confused? I PROMISE YOU – bamboo toilet paper feels just as good as your plush Charmin, and it’s 1,000% better for the planet. To start, it’s more sustainable since bamboo regenerates quickly and can be harvested sustainably without harming forests. It also breaks down rapidly in landfills and septic systems, minimizing environmental impact.
A few brands make their own version of bamboo toilet paper, but I get the Amazon version for only $30 (24 rolls). If you have a big family, I get it…but I don’t and this is an easy and reasonably priced switch that I can make to help save Earth.