Because night time is exactly when you want to be calm (just like your skin)…
The other night my skin, for lack of a better term, freaked the f*ck out. I’m not sure what brought it on but I started noticing that my skin was really red (and a red not from my rosacea) and slightly itchy around my cheeks…yeah, fun times, right? I immediately washed my face, assuming there was something on my face that was causing the reaction and then started digging through my moisturizers. My usual Retinol-packed product wasn’t going to work this night because the retinol would 100% irritate my already-irratated skin, and then I found my never-opened tube of AVEENO Ultra Calming Nourishing Night Cream and thought “YES, this will work.”
It was the perfect solution because I really just needed a moisturizer that would hydrate my face, but one that would also not affect my pissed-off skin. This baby is fragrance-free and specifically designed to help actively manage and soothe red and irritated dry skin…it was like the skincare gods knew exactly what I needed that night!