Bryce Gruber on The Millionaire Matchmaker and an open letter to Patti Stanger


So I found out months ago that my friend Bryce was being filmed for the hit Bravo reality show, The Millionaire Matchmaker, and when it finally aired last week, I was ecstatic to see how Byrce’s episode dealing with the infamous Patti Stanger had turned out.  Well…I was disappointed, to say the least.  I was always a fan of The Millionaire Matchmaker (and Patti, sort of) because I admired her honesty and directness and the fact that she’s a powerful woman who gets the job done helping some socially awkward rich men find whatever “dream girl” their rich asses envision for themselves.  Well, as of the first episode of the NYC season, I’m just done.  I lost all respect for Patti and the show after watching her openly judge Bryce with out even really getting to know her.

Here’s a question Patty…how can you claim to be the world’s best matchmaker with a 98% success rate (or whatever you claim) when you match people up based on the time period of filming your reality show, and not actually getting to know your clients before picking your idea of their “perfect matches”?  If you had REALLY gotten to know Bryce, you would’ve known how kind, open-minded and completely hilarious she really is.  And that’s a fact.  You claimed to have heard of her website, TheLuxurySpot.com, but clearly you’ve never read any of her articles because if you had, it would be obvious to you that there’s most certainly no “stick up her ass” as you so eloquently put it.  Do your job.  You claim to be the best matchmaker out there so do your research before making snap judgments.  Bryce is a semi-public figure and you could have easily found out more (and true) information on her by simply visiting Google.com.

When Patti met Bryce at Delicatessen (yes, I recognized the restaurant because it’s awesome), she had already referred to her as “Schnozolla” which instantly offended me and was Patti’s first strike.  Clearly Bryce is gorgeous and Patti should’ve taken the fact that Bryce is comfortable in her skin as a sign that maybe she’s mature?  Self-confident?  And maybe even, gasp, doesn’t care that her nose has a little bump because she knows that any man that matters won’t give a shit.  No?

I think maybe Patti got confused because she’s not in LA anymore, Toto.  She kept referring to New York as the “land of brunettes” and claiming she was from the “New York area.”  Really?  That’s funny because I’m a born-and-raised New Yorker and guess what?  I have blonde hair.  And so do a lot of my New York friends.  It seems to me that Patti was trying to fit right into any stereotype she could think of to increase her ratings (and justify her East Coast expansion) and Bryce fell right into that too, sterotyped as the typical “snobby New Yorker.”

Here’s a news flash for anyone who doesn’t already know- New Yorkers generally make fun of people from Staten Island, make fun of people who wear Ed Hardy and think anyone who uses a tanning booth is the biggest moron on the planet, because they are.  And you know what?  Even if Bryce was alone in her judgments, who cares?  Those would simply just be her preferences, right?  Bryce said she liked older guys, right?  And who did Patti pick for her?  Guys her own age.  When Patti’s LA millionaires say “I want a 22 year old with brown hair from the Southern California area” Patti says “ok, I’ll do my best” not comments like the below Tweet:

In conclusion, I will no longer support Patti or her show, not only because she unfairly judged Bryce but mainly because I now know that it’s all a big dog and pony show for TV and I’m so over that world anyway.



52 thoughts on “Bryce Gruber on The Millionaire Matchmaker and an open letter to Patti Stanger

  1. Wow..curious how much Bryce paid you to write this. Patti was dead on. Bryce is completely stuck up and has zero personality. Can’t blame anything on editing…..her ATTITUDE came across loud and clear in her body language and anything that came out of her mouth. The only reason I am sure she did this show is to promote herself but she did herself a BIG disservice. Her personality is so bland I can’t imagine her being a mommy to a little child. I was just blown away at the fact she REALLY thought she was better then those men in the social. I felt so sorry for her date….I thought his sex joke was totally appropriate and witty given Bryce says she writes a sex column. She really couldn’t take that as funny??? At least it was entertaining and turned me onto this show. I just hate superficial people like Bryce that get airtime and attention because they claim to have money or in her case given money.

  2. Bryce didn’t pay me anything. She doesn’t have to because she has friends like me who know how awesome she is. You don’t know her so you shouldn’t judge her based on what you saw in one reality TV episode.

  3. Bryce didn’t pay me anything. She doesn’t have to because she has friends like me who know how awesome she is. You don’t know her so you shouldn’t judge her based on what you saw in one reality TV episode.

  4. You’re telling me I shouldn’t judge her based on watching her interact in multiple scenes throughout the hour show YET she judged every single one of those men just by looking at them? She couldn’t pick one man good enough for her? She never gave anyone a chance. That was HER placing JUDGEMENT. Worse yet, she couldn’t even carry on a conversation with her picked dates. Apparently, she felt she was too good for them and therefore could care less about even having a conversation to make the best out of meeting a new person. That is just basic manners. You can’t possibly say that isn’t (at least to some degree) her true personality. No one would actually choose to announce to America she is a “millionaire” and agree to have cameras follow her around on her quest to find whatever perfect man she is looking for and then all the sudden have some massive personality change? Or, as she claims the “editing” made her look bad. I grant you, nobody should judge anyone they haven’t actually met or know. I am simply stating my opinion based on what I saw and it was her goddess-like and entitled attitude that hit my nerve enough to waste my time on this post. She is the one who put herself out there and presented herself in that manner. Obviously, her only motive to be on this show was to promote herself and her website. That says it all!

  5. You’re telling me I shouldn’t judge her based on watching her interact in multiple scenes throughout the hour show YET she judged every single one of those men just by looking at them? She couldn’t pick one man good enough for her? She never gave anyone a chance. That was HER placing JUDGEMENT. Worse yet, she couldn’t even carry on a conversation with her picked dates. Apparently, she felt she was too good for them and therefore could care less about even having a conversation to make the best out of meeting a new person. That is just basic manners. You can’t possibly say that isn’t (at least to some degree) her true personality. No one would actually choose to announce to America she is a “millionaire” and agree to have cameras follow her around on her quest to find whatever perfect man she is looking for and then all the sudden have some massive personality change? Or, as she claims the “editing” made her look bad. I grant you, nobody should judge anyone they haven’t actually met or know. I am simply stating my opinion based on what I saw and it was her goddess-like and entitled attitude that hit my nerve enough to waste my time on this post. She is the one who put herself out there and presented herself in that manner. Obviously, her only motive to be on this show was to promote herself and her website. That says it all!

  6. Bryce was beautiful. She and Patti Stanger seemed more like competitors than like teacher and student. Patti seemed…how can I put this politely….not that good at matchmaking because, bottom line, she did not fix Bryce with a good match. It seemed like she wanted to change Bryce into a different person, into someone who sees the charm in a guy who teaches high school. And that guy was charming, and lots of women would love him, but it was so obviously not a match.
    And yet I am writing this comment, because it was good TV. Do we watch that stuff to see the beautiful people fail? I’ll have to consult my shrink about that.

  7. Bryce was beautiful. She and Patti Stanger seemed more like competitors than like teacher and student. Patti seemed…how can I put this politely….not that good at matchmaking because, bottom line, she did not fix Bryce with a good match. It seemed like she wanted to change Bryce into a different person, into someone who sees the charm in a guy who teaches high school. And that guy was charming, and lots of women would love him, but it was so obviously not a match.
    And yet I am writing this comment, because it was good TV. Do we watch that stuff to see the beautiful people fail? I’ll have to consult my shrink about that.

  8. I think we all understand editing on Bravo. Patti Stanger has definitely run her course with me and I figured she was ‘forcing’ Bryce to fit into a stereotype but I must admit I was baffled by the date? Believe it or not many viewers can see Patti for Patti but the date is questionable? I think Bryce should have declined. He clearly was not the gentleman she was looking for and there is nothing wrong with that but she certainly did not think of his feelings while on that date. He was gracious in his interviews.
    I would defend my friend too and I don’t believe she is as horrid as Patti Stanger made her out to be but you must admit the date is hard to explain away???
    Lastly,I think Bryce can get a man all on her own and she should definitely have skipped the Millionaire Matchmaker show!!

  9. I think we all understand editing on Bravo. Patti Stanger has definitely run her course with me and I figured she was ‘forcing’ Bryce to fit into a stereotype but I must admit I was baffled by the date? Believe it or not many viewers can see Patti for Patti but the date is questionable? I think Bryce should have declined. He clearly was not the gentleman she was looking for and there is nothing wrong with that but she certainly did not think of his feelings while on that date. He was gracious in his interviews.
    I would defend my friend too and I don’t believe she is as horrid as Patti Stanger made her out to be but you must admit the date is hard to explain away???
    Lastly,I think Bryce can get a man all on her own and she should definitely have skipped the Millionaire Matchmaker show!!

  10. Sadly if Bryce needed time to warm up she shouldnt have gone on the show. Bryce did come across as cold, and stuck up. Yes Cali and NYC are very different in mindset, so Patty is in a different arena. Still wish Bryce the best in love and happiness, looks like she has good friends who support her which is a great start.

  11. Sadly if Bryce needed time to warm up she shouldnt have gone on the show. Bryce did come across as cold, and stuck up. Yes Cali and NYC are very different in mindset, so Patty is in a different arena. Still wish Bryce the best in love and happiness, looks like she has good friends who support her which is a great start.

  12. Bryce’s problem isnt her looks, shes adequate.
    But her personality is seriously lacking. Total JAP, distant, and chronically single. And simply, not as superior or interesting as she thinks she is.

  13. Bryce’s problem isnt her looks, shes adequate.
    But her personality is seriously lacking. Total JAP, distant, and chronically single. And simply, not as superior or interesting as she thinks she is.

  14. I disagree. Her problem was a combo of her looks and her shitty personality. Who the hell is bryce gruber anyways and what is theluxuryspot?? Both appear to be awful and I hope Patti has her on the show again so we all can laugh more.

  15. Patti is certainly no prize, but Bryce needs a personality transplant. Weird coincidence, her father was my high school history teacher. Nice enough guy, but a lazy teacher. He obviously raised a brat.

  16. Patti is certainly no prize, but Bryce needs a personality transplant. Weird coincidence, her father was my high school history teacher. Nice enough guy, but a lazy teacher. He obviously raised a brat.

  17. Dear QLCJamie,
    Can we agree on at least point? That Bryce (regardless of editing), did not so herself or her image any favors during her taping.
    Also, I take offense at a point you made in your letter : the bump on her nose won’t be a problem for a guy “that matters.”
    If one reads between the lines, it can be inferred that you mean a guy who is OLD and wealthy and just happy to have a girl in Bryce’s age range…is this what you mean by a “guy that matters?”
    Also, I detect hypocrisy.
    Bryce demanded perfection with regards to looks but Bryce’s suitor (who matters) would be willing to lok the other way…
    QLCJamie, if Bryce demands perfection from a suitor, her mate will likely also demand perfection from Bryce; ergo, he will be UNABLE TO OVERLOOK THE BUMP ON HER NOSE.
    I do agree with you that Patti should not be insulting her clients; it adds to the circus environment and is not good for any business outside of reality TV.

  18. Dear QLCJamie,
    Can we agree on at least point? That Bryce (regardless of editing), did not so herself or her image any favors during her taping.
    Also, I take offense at a point you made in your letter : the bump on her nose won’t be a problem for a guy “that matters.”
    If one reads between the lines, it can be inferred that you mean a guy who is OLD and wealthy and just happy to have a girl in Bryce’s age range…is this what you mean by a “guy that matters?”
    Also, I detect hypocrisy.
    Bryce demanded perfection with regards to looks but Bryce’s suitor (who matters) would be willing to lok the other way…
    QLCJamie, if Bryce demands perfection from a suitor, her mate will likely also demand perfection from Bryce; ergo, he will be UNABLE TO OVERLOOK THE BUMP ON HER NOSE.
    I do agree with you that Patti should not be insulting her clients; it adds to the circus environment and is not good for any business outside of reality TV.

  19. Byrce is very pretty and beautiful . Reality TV shows are always finding was to edit something into something else to make one hated and other stuff. Byrce was just telling Patti what her “Prince Charming” would be like. No one should judge her on that. Every girl or most would do the same thing. And it must be hard for Bryce to be interacting with a lower class. I mean I wouldnt no how to interact with a King or Queen or so homeless guy. Seriously it was just the lack of not being use to talking and doing stuff with different groups. Bryce seems elegant and poise while Patti seems like a bitch. Patti judges toher alot more than Byrce. Back the hell back and stop being jelous of her. She came from a different background from alot of other people.

  20. Byrce is very pretty and beautiful . Reality TV shows are always finding was to edit something into something else to make one hated and other stuff. Byrce was just telling Patti what her “Prince Charming” would be like. No one should judge her on that. Every girl or most would do the same thing. And it must be hard for Bryce to be interacting with a lower class. I mean I wouldnt no how to interact with a King or Queen or so homeless guy. Seriously it was just the lack of not being use to talking and doing stuff with different groups. Bryce seems elegant and poise while Patti seems like a bitch. Patti judges toher alot more than Byrce. Back the hell back and stop being jelous of her. She came from a different background from alot of other people.

  21. I personally think that Bryce was incredibly beautiful. However, the scenes aired did show her behaving very rude to the men in that room. She seemed to be absolutely uncomfortable the entire time and made everyone else uncomfortable also. Obviously, the entire mixer was not shown. Maybe she did have some conversations where she treated the guy like he was a person and not like some kind of scary germ trying to infect her……… I don’t know.
    On the other hand, what should truly be acknowledged is that Patti did not listen to her. Bryce stated that she is attracted to older men and is turned off by young guys. Doesn’t Patti always say “The penis does the picking!” The same pretty much goes for women. I know that EVERY person on this planet has a certain “type” of person that they are in NO WAY attracted to. Patti filled that room with guys that were specifically what Bryce didn’t want. For everyone out there judging this “spoiled” millionaire, try doing this: Gather all of the looks and personality types that you HATE in a potential mate. Then, imagine paying someone to fix you up with the mate of your dreams and then walking into a room to find it full of people who have every quality that you find repulsive. And last, despite the fact that you are sexually doused by everyone there, you must pick someone to go on a date with. Sound like fun?
    Patti acts like every person who comes to her club has something drastically wrong with them. She meets them briefly and decides that the reason they are single is because they are screwed up and the only person able to help them is her. If they refuse to listen, then she treats them like they are worthless losers who do not deserve to have love. Being a good matchmaker isn’t changing someone overnight. People are who they are. A good matchmaker would try and match people based on their personalities and how they would work together in the long run.
    For this situation, Patti should have brought men to the mixer who fit the type that Bryce was attracted to. Patti should not have just decided that Bryce needed to be changed. Patti is paid to give the clients what they want and she should have been an actual matchmaker instead of a control freak.

  22. I thought people like this only existed in movies but after seeing that episode I was wrong. Unfairly edited to look like a snob? They couldn’t have dubbed the dozen of offensive comments she spurted out during her segments.

  23. Bryce needs a serious attitude adjustment. She is a total snob and she will be lonely for the rest of her miserable life. Way to many needs and to little wiggle room. If she wants this perfect man, she obviously isnt gonna get him. T.V. editing cannot be that bad. The only thing going for her is her looks if you can get past that nose. I pray everyday that people like her change and the world can be a better place. I hope my daughter doesn’t turn out to be her, or i can say i failed at parenting

  24. Went to college with a couple hundred Bryce Grubers. As others mentioned, her body language and especially her facial expressions say it all. Thinks she is better than everyone and any guy she might grace her presence with would constantly have to prove himself to her. That teacher is lucky he discovered she was such an uptight bitch early. He can do much better. She should go find some 50 year old that can pamper her stuck up ass and eventually pay for her kid to go to Choate or the like.

  25. How did I end up on this site? Well, it’s Sunday, and I’m just goofing around on the TV and computer. I flip past this show where some lady is talking about her chastity belt. Wha, wha, what the F? So, I keep watching and it’s a cringeworthy show called Millionaire Matchmaker. So then I google the name of the woman, Bryce Gruber, and here I am posting to a thread about this woman – a thread that has lasted for 9 months. What a wierd show and wierd sub-culture of people that want to pull down their pants on TV. This is surely a harbinger of the end of civilization. We are one sick society! What a bunch of FREAKS!

  26. There are definitely two sides to this story. I thought Bryce was physically stunning! Nose and all. Who ever the hell says her nose is an imperfection is too shallow. In contrast, I like Patti’s show. Most of the millionaires who grace her show are so self absorbed that they believe themselves to be flawless. I thought Bryce could have been much more gracious and endured things a little better for her own self image. She would not have been committed to liking the guy when it was all over if she had just made an effort to get through the whole thing. Patti did ignore her wishes, she usually does throw in one person exactly like what she thinks they shouldn’t date, but didn’t with Bryce??? Patti you need to try again with this girl. Bryce you should give her another chance. The drama is just part of what makes the show. You knew that when you signed up to be on the show. Bryce is on my radar now, her look and smile made me think Jane Seymour. Jane would have been much more gracious though! As for the friend who wrote this post, its good that you support your friend, but given the content of her episode, you should also be open to the fact that she didn’t do very well promoting herself. Her mister perfect may have been watching and said to himself, whata snob. I did. For some reason I still like her, probably because I think she is hot. She probably is nice once you get past that wall too. Thanks for the opportunity to say all this to someone she knows. Sadly I am not Jewish.

  27. I have to say that Bryce is a typical soulless, high-priced, inconsequential, uninteresting, uninterested, egotistical, savagely ambitious bubble-head.. But I’m sure she’s a heck of a friend :o(

  28. When I saw this episode, I didn’t think she was acting rude. She just seemed extremely uncomfortable with the situation. When I was younger, I got bullied for being “stuck up” when I was really just majorly socially awkward. I’m sure you guys aren’t middle schoolers. It’s funny how people are all like “She’s judging! Ohmygod. SNOBBBB” When they’re judging her by saying that. Shit happens. People say the wrong things at the wrong times. Give me a break. You don’t know her. You saw her on a heavily edited show. So what if she’s snobby anyways? It’s not like you live with her. And the fact that she chose Kieth instead of the other guy says something too.
    On a happier note, Jamie, I’m sure if Bryce was that “snobby”, she wouldn’t have made such a great friend :]

  29. While Patty is a bit of a pushy biotch I have to agree with her that Bryce had a stick up her ass – she was rude – uninterested – boring. Even if these guys did not instantly excite her she could have given them what you are asking all of us to give her – a chance. She did not – she was condescending and rude. I believe that she does need a personality transplant and to take that huge stick out of her arrogant ass.

  30. While Patty is a bit of a pushy biotch I have to agree with her that Bryce had a stick up her ass – she was rude – uninterested – boring. Even if these guys did not instantly excite her she could have given them what you are asking all of us to give her – a chance. She did not – she was condescending and rude. I believe that she does need a personality transplant and to take that huge stick out of her arrogant ass.

  31. In my opinion, the problem between Bryce and Patti is that the two of them are completely alike–the only difference between them is in years. Judgmental is as judgmental does.

  32. In my opinion, the problem between Bryce and Patti is that the two of them are completely alike–the only difference between them is in years. Judgmental is as judgmental does.

  33. Patti made that reference to Bryce’s nose because she said Bryce expects perfection but is not perfection herself. She has said the same thing to others, but not using the same words.
    Bryce came across as a cold bitch, but that’s tv. When you agree to be on reality tv, you know that they are going to make the show look however it needs to for the highest ratings.
    Someone said Bryce writes a sex column??? Why. She said she is celibate. I’ll take my advice from someone who is actually doing and not just writing about it.

  34. Patti made that reference to Bryce’s nose because she said Bryce expects perfection but is not perfection herself. She has said the same thing to others, but not using the same words.
    Bryce came across as a cold bitch, but that’s tv. When you agree to be on reality tv, you know that they are going to make the show look however it needs to for the highest ratings.
    Someone said Bryce writes a sex column??? Why. She said she is celibate. I’ll take my advice from someone who is actually doing and not just writing about it.

  35. I have mixed feelings regarding the episode in question. Now, to be fair, I’m a lesbian, so my opinion may be biased, but IMO, none of the guys had 5 ounces of class, combined. Were they ‘age appropriate’? Yeah, but, as I prefer slightly older women…(to Bryce’s older guys)… I’d have been just as ambivalent as Bryce appeared to be. But then I prefer women to men (for many reasons, but certainly in there is:) because even at “grandpa” age they tend to be goofballs. Though had I had Patty choose would I have been as rude to my date as she was to ‘goofball inappropriate comment teacher guy’ as she appeared to be? No. Ok, perhaps I’d have been a tad more rude, but more pointed about how “I think I’m good at sex” comment. But then would have dropped it, and given her (him in that case) the benefit of the doubt that it was a nervous comment, or a brain fart s/he’d rather s/he had not made, and progressed with the date. Maybe that is one of the differences w/ lesbian/straight women, straight women tend to be more ‘passive aggressive’ while lesbians (or me anyway) are just direct and honest. But Bryce is young, she’ll get there, though in all honesty, I hope she figures out to go female rather than male, I mean WAY too young for me (45) but I think she’s probably REALLY looking for a good woman and just doesn’t ‘get’ that. Maybe I’m wrong… but I called Meredith Baxter back in the 80’s… she finally figured it out 😉

  36. I have mixed feelings regarding the episode in question. Now, to be fair, I’m a lesbian, so my opinion may be biased, but IMO, none of the guys had 5 ounces of class, combined. Were they ‘age appropriate’? Yeah, but, as I prefer slightly older women…(to Bryce’s older guys)… I’d have been just as ambivalent as Bryce appeared to be. But then I prefer women to men (for many reasons, but certainly in there is:) because even at “grandpa” age they tend to be goofballs. Though had I had Patty choose would I have been as rude to my date as she was to ‘goofball inappropriate comment teacher guy’ as she appeared to be? No. Ok, perhaps I’d have been a tad more rude, but more pointed about how “I think I’m good at sex” comment. But then would have dropped it, and given her (him in that case) the benefit of the doubt that it was a nervous comment, or a brain fart s/he’d rather s/he had not made, and progressed with the date. Maybe that is one of the differences w/ lesbian/straight women, straight women tend to be more ‘passive aggressive’ while lesbians (or me anyway) are just direct and honest. But Bryce is young, she’ll get there, though in all honesty, I hope she figures out to go female rather than male, I mean WAY too young for me (45) but I think she’s probably REALLY looking for a good woman and just doesn’t ‘get’ that. Maybe I’m wrong… but I called Meredith Baxter back in the 80’s… she finally figured it out 😉

  37. I agree that Patti should have Googled Bryce because she would have find out she was a Lesbian. That is why she was not interested in any of the gentlemen at the mixer and why she is attracted to older men.

  38. I agree that Patti should have Googled Bryce because she would have find out she was a Lesbian. That is why she was not interested in any of the gentlemen at the mixer and why she is attracted to older men.

  39. Haha, I thought the episode with Brice was hilarious. In general, it’s funny to watch awkward situations. And Brice is awkward around people for sure… she had like nothing to say! And those men just didn’t know how to react. That guy Keith looked so nervous… he was trying to pull stuff out of his hat because all she did was stare at him and nod her head constantly. I wanted her to pick the comedian guy, but Keith probably made the show better since he obviously couldn’t handle her. For the friend, I have friends like her…. but they are not my first choice of people to hang with. It’s nice that you wrote the letter defenfing her, but who really cares?… I’ve never even heard of her until she came on the show. Whatever, it is what it is 🙂 Patti should be happy… probably good ratings due to the uncomfortable factor! lol

  40. Haha, I thought the episode with Brice was hilarious. In general, it’s funny to watch awkward situations. And Brice is awkward around people for sure… she had like nothing to say! And those men just didn’t know how to react. That guy Keith looked so nervous… he was trying to pull stuff out of his hat because all she did was stare at him and nod her head constantly. I wanted her to pick the comedian guy, but Keith probably made the show better since he obviously couldn’t handle her. For the friend, I have friends like her…. but they are not my first choice of people to hang with. It’s nice that you wrote the letter defenfing her, but who really cares?… I’ve never even heard of her until she came on the show. Whatever, it is what it is 🙂 Patti should be happy… probably good ratings due to the uncomfortable factor! lol

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  42. lol how much you get paid to post this I wouldn’t be surprised if she was still single with that dry and entitled personality she was so awful to watch.

  43. 2023 and I ended up here after searching if this show was Fake because as for the first episode I’ve ever seen. Bryce was wayyyy too stuck up. ended up on her insta n sees that’s she’s been married for over 7 years so good for her but Jeez! LOL hope he’s okay.

  44. Justice for Bryce!!!! People should be talking about THIS show in the same conversation they call out America’s Next Top Model for being horrifying and out of pocket. How DARE Bryce have standards and her own unique personality… so rude and cold and stuck up of her. 🙄 Patti absolutely gives me the ICK. I got second-hand embarrassment watching her confessionals. “You could do better buddy.” WHAT THE… who says that shit???? ESPECIALLY when they know they’re being filmed?? Find her and cancel her!!

    Also, Patti having the audacity to speak on Bryce’s (or literally anyone’s) looks is HILARIOUS to me. What a hag.

    P.S. I realize this post is probably more appropriate for Reddit but I couldn’t help myself, since this was originally written by Bryce’s friend. I hope she sees this!!!

  45. I just watched this episode (thanks Netflix) and decided to do a tiny bit of research on Bryce. It appears she has 5 kids now and has been married for 12 years, meeting her husband about 2 years after meeting the obnoxious, hateful, prejudice Patti. While I obviously don’t know Bryce, I am really happy for her. Patti has a very narcissistic personality and throws a fit when people don’t fall in line with whatever she throws their way. It shouldn’t matter if anyone agrees with someone or not, it only matters that each person finds what they are looking for. I’m glad Bryce found her person.

  46. Pingback: Bryce Gruber Net Worth: Unveil Her Financial Secrets

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