Life Lessons From Long Island…

I spent the last few days in New York with my family, hence the lack of posts.  I found out on Tuesday night that my mom had a heart attack and, of course, immediately flew home.  Thankfully, she’s going to be ok; she had three stents inserted into her artery (to keep it open) and the doctors say that as long as she takes her blood thinner meds and NEVER smokes again, she will be alright.  I’ve never been a fan of cigarettes…you can ask my friends and they’ll tell you how I’ve shamed them for smoking and even helped a few quit!  But when my 58-year-old mother (e.g. “waaaay too young for this shit,” as her doctor put it) had a brush with death, I couldn’t help but freak out.

Once I found out that my mom was going to be ok, I got a little nostalgic and took a drive over to my old college, Hofstra University.  My four years at Hofstra were honestly some of the best years of my life and I had a really hard time letting go of it all in the year or two after I graduated.  Walking around campus was a pretty surreal experience; seeing the class of 2016 (yes, seriously, 2016) move into their new dorms…they look SO YOUNG and so excited.  I felt genuine excitement for them and, of course, a slight twinge of jealousy.  It was then that I realized that as much as I’d like to go back, I’ve learned so much since that time and I wouldn’t change any of the experiences that I’ve had then AND since then, bad or good, for anything in the world.  My memories from college are just that…AMAZING MEMORIES.  Sitting in front of my freshman year dorm, Estabrook Hall (photo above), I thought about all of the fun (and not so fun) times I had and I had an instant smile on my face.

The above photo is the path back to Estabrook from the Student Center.  As I walked towards the split, there was a group of girls who chose the middle path.  I immediately thought: oh, they will learn that while the middle path is “prettier” the path to the right is the more direct route…and boy, will they appreciate that as soon as the temperature drops down to 40 degrees.  It was a random thought but one that made me happy…and also symbolic of the choices that we make in life and how they affect everything in your future.  Here’s to making good life decisions and choices, like not smoking or doing things that will harm you in your future.  Let me mother’s mistake be a lesson to all of us.  Life is precious, and way too short to be unhappy.

Kelly Taylor Chooses Jeans (Over Dylan and Brandon!) in this new Old Navy Commercial

When I first saw THIS new Old Navy commercial with old Beverly Hills 90210 stars, I literally almost died.  90210 was a part of my childhood and I used to have a gigantic poster of Luke Perry up on my bedroom wall.  Dream crush!  Say what you will about Luke Perry and Jason Priestly, I want to know what Jennie Garth is using on her skin because she is REVERSE AGING.  In the meatime, I reached out to Old Navy’s reps and got the details on what Jennie is wearing in the TV spot.  Super cute.

Top: women’s long jersey linen tee in yellow stripe

Jacket: women’s drawstring military jacket in alpine tundra

Jeans: Old Navy Famous Jeans in The Diva fit (also seen in skinny and boot-cut)

Kelly choose JEANS over Dylan and Brandon in this commercial but she chose HERSELF on the show.  You can view the clip HERE.

“I choose me.”

Healthy Popsicles from Wellness Guru David Kirsch

I usually go for alcoholic summer drinks, as in margaritas, mimosas and other types of spiked juices.  BUT, being that I’m going all healthy again (starting today!), I’m loving these KIRSCH POPS recipes from wellness guru, David Kirsch.  David created these recipes and, besides being delicious, they give you your daily dose of vitamins or even hangover detox.

Vitamin/Mineral Pop

– 1 stick pack of Orange, Lemon or Raspberry Vitamin/Mineral Powder

– 8 ounces coconut water

– Blend or shake well.  Pour into ice pop maker and freeze


Detox Pop

– 1 stick pack AM Daily Detox

– 8 ounces coconut water

– Blend or shake well.  Pour into ice pop maker and freeze

#InstaMoments of the Week

A clear, gorgeous sky in Redondo Beach.

My new SoleSociety cut-out wedges.  Obsessed.

My new whip.  Happy early 30th birthday to me. Love, ME.

Torturing my friends…just another day for this girl.

Wise words I like (ok, try) to live by.

Wine tasting with friends in Malibu.


Follow me on Instagram: @ItsJamieStone

Happy National Tequila Day!

In my experience, you’re either a rum/gin person or a tequila/vodka person, and I’m definitely the latter.  Today is national tequila day so naturally, I plan on going home, going to the gym and topping off my night with a quick tequila shot.  But just in case you’re not as gross as I am (you’re probably not), I wanted to share my favorite Margarita mixer, Refine Mixers.  It’s zero calories so you just add the tequila and that’s the only calories that you intake…usually less than 100 calories, depending on the tequila and how much you put in.

My latest trick: add in some jalapeno slices!  This tip comes courtesy of my friend Jen, who is a master chef (in my opinion, at least) and is jalapeno-obsessed.  Note, this tip is NOT for people who don’t like spice in their life.

For even more tequila cocktail recipes, check out this LA Times article and have a fab national tequila day!

I Found It! Gwen Stefani’s Lipgloss from No Doubt’s new “Settle Down” music video

We all know about my Gwen Stefani obsession so, naturally, when I watched No Doubt’s brand new video for their first single “Settle Down,” I was like PAUSE. WHAT lipgloss is she using?  Gwennie is a spokesperson for L’Oreal so after doing some digging, I discovered that she’s using L’Oreal Infallable 8 HR Le Gloss in “Red Fatale.”

It’s been 11 LONG years since No Doubt’s last album and I’m super pumped for the release of “Push and Shove” on September 25th and, of course, for the tour. Duh.

You can watch the “Settle Down” video HERE.

Sunglasses and Why I Used To Be Obsessed with Wearing Glasses

Weird confession: when I was little, I always wished that I wore glasses.  Yes, it’s true.  (Un?)fortunately for me, I was blessed with better than 20/20 vision (thanks, Dad)!  I remember telling my mom a complete lie in the 3rd grade; I told her that I couldn’t read my books (lies) and that I also couldn’t see the blackboard in class (more lies).  So apparently I was near AND far sighted, according to my 3rd grade-self.  I was quite the little liar but since my mother figured WHAT KID IN THE WORLD actually WANTED to wear glasses, she took me to the eye doctor.  Even being the crafty nine year old that I was, I couldn’t fool the opthamologist and he promptly told my mother that I was one, lying and two, clearly needed more attention.

My mom confronted me and asked her little deviant daughter “Jamie Claire, why did you lie and tell mommy that you couldn’t read your books or see the blackboard at school?  The doctor told me that you could read a sign a mile away!”  My answer?  “MOM, I didn’t mean to lie but I REALLY wanted glasses…they look SO CUTE and all of my friends wear them!”  (Blogger’s note: this is just the beginning of my FOMO issues, just sayin’).

I mean.  My mother’s face at this moment…unforgettable.

Even at 29 (and a half!), I still don’t need glasses but I make up for it with my vast sunglasses collection.  While I might be able to read a street sign 3 blocks away (proven: NYC), my baby blue eyes are super sensitive to light and I honestly can’t be outside unless I’m wearing sunnies (and, of course, SPF on my skin, too!).  I digress.

I went to the Two Point Oh LA blogger picnic on Sunday and was introduced to a fab new website called DITTO.  What I love about this site is customers can try on the glasses (and sunglasses) to see if they fit/look good with 180 degree views before they buy them for the site.  They can even ask for friend reccos (via social media!) and ask a DITTO stylist for their advice, based on their face shape- it’s pure genius, really.  The site sells all of the best brands: Chloe (like my sunnies above), Ray Ban, Elizabeth and James, Jason Wu, Theory, Vera Wang, John Varvatos, etc. so you know you’re getting high quality goods…I mean, I always said that if/when I ever do need real glasses, I’d only go designer. Clearly.

Celebs wearing my Chloe Myrte sunnies:

Rachel Zoe, Lauren Conrad, Naomi Campbell