Chinplants: my thoughts

Truth be told, my neck has always been a one of those body parts that I loathe.  I blame my Nana because really, she started this shit.  She had the “turkey neck” and so did my Aunts (my dad’s older sisters- he’s the youngest of 5) and now, my 65 year old father even has it, what I also refer to as, “the curse.”  It’s one of those weird Wasp problems, I know, (and I’m so not a Wasp) but I notice it in EVERY PHOTOGRAPH of myself.  We all have these insecurities so don’t judge, k?  I’ve basically just learned how to LOOK DOWN in photos (see photo above)…

I am 100% honest when I admit that living in Los Angeles has absolutely given me a body compex that I never had while growing up in New York…and, while it’s upsetting, it’s hard to stop.  I have a very close family member that struggles with a severe eating disorder and listening to her/trying to understand her while growing up was one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to experience.  Someone who hasn’t been close to someone with an eating disorder can’t even fathom what it’s like; as an FYI, it’s NOT about the weight…it’s about the control and, as a bonafide control freak, I can attest to the fact that letting go ain’t easy.  While I’ve never technically had an eating disorder, being “body obsessed” has taken a toll on me that I’ve been trying to deal with and thankfully, I’ve manage to remind myself on the daily that I will never look like a runway model OR a size 2 celebrity but I CAN be healthy and fit.  With that said, of course, I still have my insecurities – my stomach, my knees (weird, I know) and my chin.  After I saw this story on Allure.com, I was honestly surprised to read that there’s a 71% increase in “chinplants” since last year.  And guys, I’ve always wanted a real chin, so no judgement…I’m just surprised that the motive behind the surgery increase is the fact that “people subconsciously associate a stronger chin with more authority, self-confidence and trustworthiness,” accoring to the Allure.com story.  My take on plastic surgery is: if it will make you feel better, go for it…but it’s NOT a band-aid (I can speak from experience).

While I  admit that I will probably end up getting a nip and neck tuck (hi, I’m vain), for now, I’m just using over-the-counter preventative measures: Kate Somerville Neck Tissue Repair with K8.  I’ve been using this for awhile, which proves absolutely nothing at age 29, BUT I believe in everything that IS Kate Somerville so when I’m 55 and don’t see the signs of “the curse,” I will send Kate a very personal thank you note (before calling the chief of surgery at St. Vincent’s).

photo: me looking DOWN.

Beauty Rebellions! (and why I’ll never bleach my eyebrows, hate eyelash curlers and why I wear makeup to the gym)

Everyone has them…they’re your dark little beauty secrets that you don’t share with anyone.  There are certain things that a woman has to stick to, even when society (or a highly acclaimed stylist/makeup artist) tells you differently, and guys, I’ve somehow convinced some of the top beauty and style bloggers to share their dark secrets right here on my blog.

As for me?  Well, I absolutely REFUSE to bleach my eyebrows or use an eyelash curler…oh, and I wear makeup to the gym.  Yeah, I said it.  Let’s start with eyebrow bleaching.  I’m not a natural blonde (and it is NO SECRET) but, for some reason, certain colorists become obsessed with trying to convince me that my brows need to match my hair color.  NO, just no.  Back in my formative blonde years, I let myself get convinced once or twice and every time, you know what I got?  Orange eyebrows.  So now, whenever some celeb colorist tried to change my mind I just simply ask “have you ever heard of a little rock star/fashion icon named Gwen Stefani?  Thank you and, yes, I’ll take another glass of champagne.”  Eyelash curlers – I consider them modern day torture devices.  I always thought that I just didn’t really know how to use one or the one I had wasn’t good quality — NO.  I bought the Shu Uemura version that everyone raves about and you know…I still hate curling my eyelashes.  Granted, I am blessed with naturally long, dark lashes (poor me, I know) so perhaps I would deem it necessary to curl them if I was in a different sitch BUT, for now, I’m down on eyelash curling.  Lastly, I look my derm straight in the face when I tell him that I wear makeup to the gym.  Countless derms and beauty editors will tell you not to do it.  “It will clog your pores!”  “You will break out!”  Well you know what?  I have rosacea and post-acne marks (aka hyperpigmentation) and there are hot dudes at the gym.  So what if I wear a little mineral foundation or a tiny bit of tinted moisturizer (with SPF!)?  Last night’s eyeliner is only included by default, mind you.  In the famous words of Deena from Jersey Shore, “Get off me.”

Aly Walansky, MyGloss.com:

I have a million cleansers I could/should use, but two or three nights a week, I come home tired/drunk/lazy and don’t wash my face before going to bed. (Shameful, I know!)

Amber Katz, BeautyBloggingJunkie.com:

I RARELY wear body lotion. Only when I know I’m making out or on the weekends when I have time to let it fully absorb before putting on clothes. Jeans over damp lotion makes me want to DIE.

Andrea Arterbery, GlamazonsBlog.com:

I refuse to wear blush. I hate it. I will highlight the shit out of my cheeks with bronzer and illuminating powder but that’s about it. I feel like that’s all I need in life anyways. Blush just makes me look clownish. Ew.

Andrea Lavinthal, UsMagazine.com:

I wash off everything but my eye makeup when I have a sleepover with my (newish) boyfriend. I don’t know if seeing me without my eyelashes curled and whatnot is a dealbreaker for him, but I’m not taking any chances. #freshandsexy

Anne Fritz, TheJetSetGirls.com:

I hate conditioner. My hair is fine and without a little texture and damage, it can’t hold a style. I have relented a bit and use it on my ends, but woe to the person who comes near me with a hair mask.

Annie Tomlin, BellaSugar.com:

I get manicures only when I really have to. I just don’t have the time or inclination. L-A-Z-Y, I ain’t got no alibi.

Dina Fierro, Eye4Style.com:

I’m admittedly blessed with hair that just sort of does what it does, if you know what I mean. That said, I DO use a flat iron on my bangs daily, and god forbid I ever a) use a heat protectant or hey, b) wait for them to dry. Patience is not a virtue in my world.

Jeannine Morris, BeautySweetSpot.com:

I rarely ever wash my makeup brushes (ew, I know).

Kaitlyn Dreyling, BeautyBlitz.com:

I never use hand cream. I’ve self-diagnosed myself with hyperhidrosis, so I fear adding any hydration to my already clammy palms, thus my cuticles suffer, but acetone is the best.

Kristen Turner, GlitterNGlue.com:

Sometimes I get lazy and instead of removing my nail polish, I just paint over it. By the time I get to the salon the manicurist is shooting me major side-eye as she’s removing layer upon layer upon layer of different nail polish colors.

Kristin Booker, FashionStyleBeauty.com:

I will never get laser hair removal on anything but my face – Someone told me that Kim Kardashian gets her whole body lasered. YIKES. No, the chin and jaw line are enough for me, thanks. I cannot image the pain. You’d have to dip me in aloe vera from my armpits afterwards. NO THANKS.

Nadine Jolie, NadineJolie.com:

I haven’t used shaving cream since college. Back when I was younger and more precious about my skin, I’d run a hot shower, let the steam and water do its thing, use a fresh razor every 2 or 3 shaves… Now, I swipe the razor (inevitably a month and, like, 20 uses past its prime) all over in about 8 seconds and then call it a day. My thighs, meanwhile, have not been shaved since I was 16 (thank God for blonde hair). I haven’t downgraded to shaving in the sink yet, but it’s probably the ghost of Christmas future.

Rachel Adler, BeautyHigh.com:

Even though it’s a major faux paus, I always leave my apartment with my hair wet. Hardly ever sopping, but always a tiny bit wet. I have curly hair and spending time diffusing it in the morning is just time I don’t want to waste.

Sydne Summer, SydneStyle.com:

I refuse to use eye makeup remover. I don’t even own any! I secretly love waking up with night-before-makeup. I just wipe the smudges under my eyes away and bam! It’s a Kate Moss smoky eye without trying.

Tell me and the girls, what are YOUR beauty rebellions?

Happy 6th Blogaversary, QotQLC!

It’s kinda strange in a “wow, fate is actually real” kinda way that today I randomly decided to find out what day/year (yes, I honestly had no idea) I started my blog.  When I clicked to the “last” page at the bottom of my blog, I was actually shocked to see that, whoa, TODAY is my blogaverasary…and SIX years at that.

Strange again, it’s also Amber’s.  Weird, I know.

I don’t even know what to say because my blog means so much to me, as do all of my readers.  Back in 2006 it was still very risque to blog, especially when you work in PR and I actually got in trouble when my old company found out that I was writing for CollegeCandy.com.   I didn’t care.  Damn the man!  I do what I want.  My first post ever was about my quarter life crisis – hence, WHY I started this blog in the first place but guys, that was SIX years ago and you know what, I still have moments just like the moment I wrote about so many years ago.  And that’s OK.  I still don’t have tons of money or take fabulous vacations (or an “amazing” boyfriend, for that matter) but what I DO have is A LOT and I’m very greatful for all of it.  When I started this blog at 23 I was absolutely freaking out and even though I still consider myself to be going through my own version of the quarter life crisis, I can say that I’ve learned a lot over the past six years and this blog was a big part of that learning.  Over the past six years I’ve accomplished some amazing things that I’m just so proud of and I’ve managed to partner with brands that I truly believe in (Degree, Refine Mixers, Ralph Lauren Pink Pony, SoleSociety.com, Shape.com, etc.) – I wouldn’t have it any other way.

my first blog post EVER


So thank you for reading.  Thank you for being a part of my journey with me.



Refine your body, hair & spirit event (hosted by me!)

It’s not every day that I find a way to combine three of my favorite things (low calorie cocktails, getting my hair done and working out ) so when Refine Mixers asked me to be the blogger host for their event with Blo Blow Dry Bar at Equinox West Hollywood, I was giddy with joy.  We sipped on Honey Tangerine Margaritas and Kiwi Cosmopolitans (only 100 calories each!) as guests enjoyed Blo’s braid bar and Equinox’s mini massages.  Check out Guest of a Guest for more photos from the event.

Spring cleaning: clean out your makeup bag!

The other day I found a lipstick in my makeup drawer.  From high school.  It was Mary Kay and an amazing frosty pink, which I LOVED…but um GROSS THAT I STILL OWN THIS LIPSTICK.  This got me to thinking about exactly how long you’re really supposed to keep your makeup; I mean, I get it – sometimes we get attached to certain beauty products, when they are fantastic, but it’s actually pretty important to make sure that you don’t use these products for too long because they build up bacteria and you can actually really get sick (e.g. eye infections!).  Here’s the general rule of thumb:

  • Foundation: 6 months (or if you can literally see it being weird, then a new bottle even sooner)
  • Powder: 2 years, as long as you clean your brushes! (see below)
  • Makeup brushes: once a month (use a baby shampoo or mild bar soap)
  • Eyeliner: I’ve read a few different opinions on this. Some say 3 months but others say you can use it down to the nub as long as you sharpen it with every use, which cleans it and keeps it fresh
  • Lipstick: 2 years (yes, I’m totally guilty at a good TEN years! Yuck!)  It’s also recommended that you cut off the edge with a razor blade to keep it fresh
  • Mascara: 3 months or after ANY eye infection

My natural highlights…at age 4

The other day one of my co-workers brought her two adorable kids into work and as they ran by I said to my cube neighbors “do those kids have highlights?!”  Guys, the little girl had dirty blonde hair with, what looked like, platinum highlights (that, naturally, I was totally jealous over).  The boy had chocolate brown hair with a slightly lighter shade of brown running through his roots.  I mean, it kind of struck a chord and made me think back to my own childhood hair and say “wait, did I have natural highlights back in the day?”

My natural hair color is brown – with my dark brown eyebrows, it’s a shocker, I know! LOL.  I started dying my hair blonde when I was a freshman in college and never ever looked back but seriously, if my hair still grew in at the level of amazingness that it did when I was four…well, I might’ve stayed a brunette.

What do you guys think?

By the way, I have to mention the fact that even in middle school when everyone was doing Sun-In, I NEVER used it!  But alas, it’s still the most hilarious packaging that I’ve ever seen.

photos: me, age 4; Sun-In bottle