Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts That Give Back

collage of Gifts That Give Back

Because what’s better than a gift that also gives back?


The Best Singles Day Beauty Sales

mascara from Singles Day Beauty Sales

Because it’s important to celebrate your single self (and your single friends)…


A debate: The Makeup Brush VS Beauty Blender

Makeup Brush VS Beauty Blender and magazines

Because it’s always been a great debate…


These are the 5 Sunscreens I keep in Rotation

collage of 5 sunscreens

Because you know I’m the self-proclaimed SPF queen…


Reader Question: How Do I Reapply Sunscreen Over My Makeup?

woman under the sun and sharing how to Reapply Sunscreen Over Makeup

Hi Jamie!

It’s been SO HOT OUTSIDE here in NYC and I’ve been struggling cause when I’ve been hanging out I realize I need to reapply my sunscreen but I’ve already spent a good hour making sure it doesn’t melt off of my face, LOL. Any advice?

Thank youuu.

