Sonya Dakar NutraSphere Nano Peel

Sonya Dakar NutraSphere Nano Peel

As someone with dry, sensitive skin the idea of a chemical peel would normally scare me…

If you follow my Instagram, then you know how often I frequent the Sonya Dakar Skin Clinic (hint: a LOT) so when Sonya told me she recently launched an at-home chemical peel that won’t tear my face off, I took notice and let her try it out on me with no fear.

The Sonya Dakar NutraSphere Nano Peel is a safe and effective way to exfoliate your skin, just the way they would do if you had a treatment- seriously.  The nano peel utilizes professional grade lactic (milk) and phytic (wheat) acids at levels safe for home use. Combined, these acids refine sun damage, acne scars, and soften the appearance of fine lines, which is pretty basic for any peel.  BUT the Nano Peel is ALSO infused with a skin regenerating complex of green apple stem cells and resveratrol (e.g that stuff getting tons of buzz this year), to restore and maintain younger looking skin.

I left the treatment on for about 10 minutes and, guys, I gotta say…my skin was GLOWING afterwards.  I was seriously impressed.


2 thoughts on “Sonya Dakar NutraSphere Nano Peel

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