Ohhhh, NEW YORK, how I love you so…except for your god AWFUL humidity that quite honestly murders my hair.
Tag Archives: NYC
New York Reminders and a Happy New Year
I got back to LA late last night after spending seven days in New York and, I gotta say, this trip was really something. New York IS (and always will be) my home but I really took some time this trip to wonder…could I move back now, at this point in my life? The answer is…I still don’t know. I’m totally, madly in LOVE with Manhattan but good GOD, could I really go back to having roommates and an 8×8 bedroom? Probably not.
What I encountered on my trip, that I could get more of: businessmen in suits, extremely sarcastic group conversations, a man giving up his seat at a bar for a woman, real Italian food and greasy NY-style Chinese food, my family and long-time friends, walking, and last, but not least, the pure energy that emanates from the New York City side walk. I’ve also realized that I generally prefer winter clothing to any other season and, as weird as it is, I left NYC feeling more energized and refreshed than ever. 2013 was, how do you say it, kind of a shitty year for me and hey…it’s happens to everyone. I’m not complaining because I know how truly lucky I am to have my health, my family, friends, etc. but overall…yeah, not my personal best. I’m looking forward to a hypothetically clean slate in two days…are you with me? Cheers to an amazing 2014- I see big things ahead.
New York State of Mind
Skin Cancer Foundation Gala Young Associates After-Party (NYC)
We all know how important skin cancer awareness is to me. My Aunt Susan passed away at a very young age from the vicious, yet extremely preventable disease. If you’re in New York on Tuesday, October 15th, you NEED to get tickets to the Skin Cancer Foundation Gala Young Associates After-Party. For one, you’d be supporting a great cause. Two, it’s a tax deduction (my world now). Three, it’s OPEN BAR and there’s an amazing DJ. If I were going to be in NYC, I’d DEFINITELY be at this party. You can get tickets HERE. Oh and my amazing friend April Franzino from SELF magazine is co-chairing the event. She’s awesome, so you should support her!