Working Out and Why I Won’t Do It with Good Hair

Just like everyone else in America, I’ve vowed to spend more time working on my fitness in 2013.  Has this been my New Year resolution for the past several years?  Yes.  Have I always kept it up?  Absolutely not, don’t be crazy, but it’s for this exact reason that I literally laughed out loud when I saw this story on Allure.com.  The piece reveals a survey of more than a hundred women, where 40 percent admitted to skipping exercise because they didn’t want to mess up their hair; they are about three times less likely to meet the recommend exercise standards than women who don’t fear being unkempt.  

Guys, I really thought that I was the only one who sometimes avoids physical exercise due to the fact that I happen to be having a good hair day and don’t want to F it up.  So, I guess I’m not alone, which is awesome.  A potential solution: Edward Tricomi, of Warren-Tricomi Salons shared a really awesome tip for maintaining your blowout after a workout. He told me to cut up a pair of black, opaque stockings and turn them into a make-shift headband and then use the remaining pieces to tie my hair into a ponytail. It is genius since the material doesn’t leave indentation marks and absorbs perspiration at the hairline.  Let’s see how this goes…cheers to a fit 2013.

Photo: My last birthday (Devon, me, Sharon). There was no way I was going to the gym with that hair.

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