3 cleansers that will seriously clean ALL the makeup off your face (and more)

Because you gotta get that sh*t off your face every single night


Wine Wipes = genius

So as a self-proclaimed wino, I’m literally shocked that I just discovered this genius little product- Wine Wipes.  Yes ladies, you no longer have to fear being on that date, sipping red wine and then catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror to see your stained teeth.  Honestly, it’s 90% of the reason I usually opt for white.  Now, thanks to Wine Wipes, you can drink all the red wine you want.  The little wipes look like eye makeup remover pads and contain powerful ingredients like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and salt to clean off your teeth in a quick snap.  Love these and kinda wonder why I didn’t invent them myself.

How.Sick.Is.This: Josie Maran Bear Naked Wipes (for the polar bears!)

So when model Josie Maran founded her organic, natural cosmetics line, she sought to develop eco-friendly products and biodegradable packaging that were safe and healthy for the body and the earth. In creating her new Bear Naked Wipes, Josie took her dedication to the environment to a new level by pledging to donate 1% of proceeds to the Natural Resource Defense Council’s (NRDC) Polar Bear SOS initiative, a campaign committed to saving polar bears and their habitats.

As a result of global warming, the ice is disappearing from under polar bears’ paws. No ice means nowhere to live, and polar bears could become extinct as a result. “The fact that global warming could kill off two-thirds of the world’s polar bears by 2050 is devastating,” says Josie. “It saddens me to think that during my daughter’s and my lifetime, the polar bear species could be completely wiped out. Donating a portion of sales to support the NRDC in their fight to protect these beautiful creatures is the least I can do. I want to raise awareness and encourage people to get involved in protecting our natural resources.”

Created with all-natural ingredients, Bear Naked Wipes are biodegradable, making them an earth-friendly way to wipe your skin clean. A natural blend of aloe vera, chamomile, cucumber and Vitamin E soothes skin as it whisks away dirt and makeup. Josie Maran’s Bear Naked Wipes are luxuriously soft and gentle on sensitive eyes and skin.