Call of the wild

3 favorites

Lately I’ve been trying to test out products that I’d normally write off at as “marketing hoopla” or really just something I’m just not interested in trying because, hey, I AM a beauty blogger and it IS my job to test out EVERYTHING, right?  These three products, though I was skeptical, pleasantly surprised me…


Melanoma Monday

melanoma monday 2

Today is MELANOMA MONDAY, e.g. the yearly designated day by the American Academy of Dermatology to raise awareness for skin cancer and to encourage early detection through self-examination.  I’m kinda preachy when it comes to sun protection (#SorryImNotSorry) but, let me explain. Obviously I’m someone who has always HAD to wear sunscreen, due to the fact that my skin resembles a wedding dress, so I’ve never really had a choice to NOT wear SPF…but here’ the thing, I’m posting a photo of myself IN A BIKINI…ON THE INTERNET…so you have to read this whole post. Ok? (nod your head yes)


Inspired By: Avocado

avocado beauty

If you know me, then you know that guacamole is one of my all-time favorite foods, which is why I always jump at the chance to test out ANY beauty product that contains AVOCADO.  I mean, aside from being delicious, avocado is packed with vitamins and oils that are great for your skin and hair, like vitamins A, D and E and its mild oil is also great for soothing irritated skin.  Since today is Cinco de Mayo, trying out an avocado-enhanced beauty product seems like a great way to celebrate (that, AND a margarita, of course).

Here are a few of my favorites: