Reader Question: Can I get prettier while I sleep?


Hi Jamie,

I’ll just say it- I’m crazy lazy about beauty. I don’t want to deal with creams, serums and all that every day BUT if there’s something I can put on before bed and just let it work while I sleep, I think I could handle that. Do you have any good product suggestions for lazy b’s like me?




Video: How to wash your face with sparkling water

Back in September I did a story for TODAY.com where I tried the trend…I washed my face with Pellegrino, and I liked it.  I had photos taken for the TODAY story (and my blog post), but I decided we should also film the process so that you can actually see my reactions and hear my anecdotes about the asian trend.  Sadly, according to experts, the carbonated water doesn’t actually have any beneficial effects on your skin, but I say HEY, if you like, you like it.

Check out the video and let me know what you think- would you try a carbonated water facial?

Also don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for new videos every Thursday 🙂

Video: My BOTOX Experience

A few months ago I got Botox on my crow’s feet for the first time and, being totally honest, I’m officially HOOKED.  I won’t reveal too much because you definitely need to check out the video, but I’ll just say that Dr. Jessica Wu is the BEST and did an amazing job.

I decided to wait until November to post the video though because I have some good news!  I’m back in the swing of YouTube and I’m going to be posting NEW videos every Thursday on my channel– make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!

Oh, and if you guys have any requests for videos, comment and let me know!