Because this is pretty much everything you need for a quarantined fall/winter…
Search Honestly Jamie
Happy Monday and OH it is a JOYOUS one, isn’t it?
Waking up Saturday to the news that Joe Biden won the election made what could be classified as the shittiest year ever, a LOT better. This week’s list of things making me happy reflects just that and I hope your week is off to a great start filled with lots of HOPE.
Oh and P.S. – don’t forget that Sephora’s big sale ends TODAY. My picks are all linked HERE and, depending on your Sephora status, you can get anywhere from 10-20% off everything!
Well…this post is going live better late than never, you know? Ha. If you follow me over on IG then you know I spent most of Sunday at urgent care because I had a pretty awful anxiety attack on Halloween night. I’ve never experienced anything like that EVER and I actually thought that I had COVID and that I was going to die – so fun, right?! Turns out all my vitals were fine, I tested negative for COVID (thank GOD) and the doctors basically just feel like the weight of everything going on right now (COVID, the election, BLM, etc.) was weighing down on me so much that my body and mind just couldn’t take it. READ MORE
Ok, so…if you follow along on my Instagram Stories then you know that I bought a few Kylie Skin face products (and body, too!) from none other than Ms. Kylie Jenner. I absolutely LOVE the Kylie Skin Coconut Body Scrub (full review here) and the Kylie Skin Vanilla Milk Toner was a surprise favorite. And, as much as I love a face mask, a lip mask is always v. intriguing to me…hence, why I knew I wanted to also test out the Kylie Skin Hydrating Lip Mask. READ MORE
Happy Monday! I’m oddly looking forward to this week, a week that still feels like a blur…eight months in to COVID quarantine. On Saturday I dropped off my election ballot and, my god, did that feel GOOD…then I had a socially distanced picnic with a few friends; I live for my friend picnics and I’m feeling very lucky to live in LA where we can continue to do them even through the winter months (so sorry east coast and midwest).
Anyway, I’ve been toying with the ideas of doing a “things that make me happy” type post on a weekly basis…and given that we can certainly ALL use a bit of happy on a COVID Monday, I want to see how this goes 🙂
Let me know what you think! READ MORE