Weekend Reading

clear drawers with makeup for Weekend Reading

Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend!  Tomorrow I’ll be celebrating my girl Sydne’s birthday with an all-day yoga and meditation session, followed by me watching hours of Sunday night TV, haha. But here are my favorite reads from the week…

Weekend Reading

My friend Kelly talks about a 30-day declutter challenge that I really, REALLY want to do.

These 90s hair accessories are bringing back some serious memories (and major laughs).

A “zero waste” kitchen seems pretty impossible but some of these eco-friendly products are pretty awesome (and useful).

I LOVE THIS. 15 life lessons we learned from Sex and The City’s Samantha Jones

And this- 20 random acts of kindness that you can do today. <3 Spread the love.

This is horrifying, but hilarious.  Nine women share their most mortifying social media mishaps.

I’m currently watching the new Netflix documentary “Take Your Pills,” which talks about the country’s obsession with Adderall and the incessant need to “get ahead”- super interesting.

The velvet fringe dress I wore to my birthday dinner is on sale for $62! It’s so comfortable and I got a ton of compliments.

I’ve been using this lip sleeping mask every night and my lips have never been softer.

What I bought on Amazon:

This week’s buys were kind of boring, but extremely useful.

  • I had to re-stock up on my favorite grain-free Siete tortillas! These are seriously SO good.
  • Speaking of, after seeing this brand on Shark Tank, I decided to try Palmini pasta. We’ll see how it goes…
  • My nephew is obsessed with Stranger Things so I bought this card to send to him
  • My nephew also kept asking to use my sleep mask when I was in New York the other week so I ordered him a kid-sized version.

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The $17 Anti-Aging Serum Kim Kardashian is Obsessed With (That I’ve used for years!)

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