Hey Jamie,
I feel like no matter what I do my face is just constantly SHINY. Is there anything I can do to make it even a little bit better?
Search Honestly Jamie
Hey Jamie,
I feel like no matter what I do my face is just constantly SHINY. Is there anything I can do to make it even a little bit better?
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Hi Jamie,
Lately I’ve been working out 4-5 times a week (woo!) but, as someone with reddish, ruddy skin I still wear makeup to the gym because I don’t feel comfortable going bare-faced. Is this terrible? Am I making my skin worse?
Hi Jamie,
I really hate washing my hair and I can usually go 4-5 days with out washing it, but is that bad? I usually go by the “is it greasy?” test, but am I damaging my hair?
Hey Jamie,
I live in New York and lately I’ve been sleeping an extra 20 minutes (which I love) and, instead, applying my makeup on the ride to work…on the subway. My friends tell me that I’m probably going to contract some infectious disease and die but what do you think?
Hi Jamie,
I know summer’s basically over but I’ve been getting the WORST razor burn for the past few months and I was wondering if you had any tricks?
Thanks in advance,
This week is gonna be a fun one. I’ve got a few fun dinners planned with friends and my good friend J’s bachelorette party this weekend! Oh, and this might be one of the most LA things I’ve ever said but I can’t wait for the RAIN TO COME. Yes, apparently it’s happening.