Things Making Me Happy: 3.1.21

Hotel Lobby Nuit candle | Things Making Me Happy: 3.1.21

Hi friends!

It’s been awhile, I know.  Truthfully I needed to take a little break last month…it’s just been a LOT dealing with the sale of my dad’s condo (even harder being 3,000 miles away while doing so), among other things like a little thing called COVID quarantine, etc.  You know- just fun times! (This is sarcasm because you always have to laugh).

That said, it’s a new month…my birthday month and a month that feels like a bit of a fresh start for me, in many ways.  I don’t know about you guys, but I always love when a new month starts on a Monday, right? 🙂

Have a great week and make sure to subscribe to my email newsletter so you don’t miss any of the March content!




Things Making Me Happy: 11.9.20

Happy Monday and OH it is a JOYOUS one, isn’t it?

Waking up Saturday to the news that Joe Biden won the election made what could be classified as the shittiest year ever, a LOT better.  This week’s list of things making me happy reflects just that and I hope your week is off to a great start filled with lots of HOPE.

Oh and P.S. – don’t forget that Sephora’s big sale ends TODAY. My picks are all linked HERE and, depending on your Sephora status, you can get anywhere from 10-20% off everything!


Things Making Me Happy: 11.2.20

Things Making Me Happy: 11.2.20

Well…this post is going live better late than never, you know? Ha.  If you follow me over on IG then you know I spent most of Sunday at urgent care because I had a pretty awful anxiety attack on Halloween night.  I’ve never experienced anything like that EVER and I actually thought that I had COVID and that I was going to die – so fun, right?!  Turns out all my vitals were fine, I tested negative for COVID (thank GOD) and the doctors basically just feel like the weight of everything going on right now (COVID, the election, BLM, etc.) was weighing down on me so much that my body and mind just couldn’t take it. (more…)

Organizing Your Face Masks

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How To Treat Yourself To A Spa Day At Home

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