March Favorites Giveaway
For this month’s giveaway, I’ve got MORE of my current favorite products; some I’ve already blogged about, and some are new faves…nevertheless, I know you will love everything.
The prize set is valued at $662!
Here’s what you will win…
I’d Swipe Right: Bath & Body Works AQUAMARINE 2-in-1 Bubbly Wash & Bath Milk
Because aquamarine is my birth stone and can’t say no to Bath & Body Works…
Weekend Reading
Happy Saturday! I’m excited to take my favorite reformer pilates class this morning and then tomorrow night I’m going to a charity comedy show that’s rumored to have some people from Curb Your Enthusiasm show up (obsessed). Here are my favorite reads for the week.
Weekend Reading
Speaking of Curb, I just stumbled across this article appropriately dubbed “I wish I were Larry David’s cool daughter.”
I’ve been making the salad pictured above all week and it’s so good, guys. All of the ingredients are from this amazing grocery delivery company called Milk and Eggs; if you’re in the LA or Orange County area, I highly recommend them. And you can get $20 off $40 or more with code JAMIESTONE 🙂 And you can see the salad ingredients in my Instagram post here.
The teenagers who marched for their lives are just so inspiring. I teared up while reading this…
I just can’t with Ben Affleck’s back tattoo but I’m FOR this Elle.com story where they had a tattoo artist “decode” his tatt, lol.
If you haven’t already watched Alone Together you need to get on board. It’s SO FUNNY and very relatable if you live in Los Angeles.
As a self-proclaimed cat lady, I love these pet DIY projects (good for dogs as well).
My friend Leah spent 72 hours in Charleston, South Carolina and since I’m going next month I plan on totally copying her schedule! She has some great recommendations for restaurants, bars, etc.
Online Shopping this Week
I went on a bit of an online shopping spree this week, mostly because I’ve been feeling a little blah in the clothing department. I bought this red floral dress (yes, I already have two similar ones, ha), these hi-rise jeans – I’ve never tried this brand before but we’ll see how it goes, and this boater hat for summer. The jeans were actually the only expensive thing that I bought so #SorryNotSorry.
Urban Daddy and, apparently, The New York Times are insisting that Instagram is the new Tinder? I disagree (and you know this if you’ve been watching my IG Stories, lol).
What I bought on Amazon:
- Nothing! It was a slow week apparently 🙂
Reader Question: Eyelash Tinting
Hi Jamie! Do you have any thoughts on lash tinting? I have fair skin and red hair and light eyelashes. I am looking to try something the accentuates them, but still looks natural. Thoughts?
Here’s Why You Need Nanoe Technology When It Comes to Flat Irons
Because sleek, shiny hair is always the goal… READ MORE
Weekend Reading
Happy St. Patrick’s Day weekend! Tomorrow I’ll be celebrating my girl Sydne’s birthday with an all-day yoga and meditation session, followed by me watching hours of Sunday night TV, haha. But here are my favorite reads from the week…
Weekend Reading
My friend Kelly talks about a 30-day declutter challenge that I really, REALLY want to do.
These 90s hair accessories are bringing back some serious memories (and major laughs).
A “zero waste” kitchen seems pretty impossible but some of these eco-friendly products are pretty awesome (and useful).
I LOVE THIS. 15 life lessons we learned from Sex and The City’s Samantha Jones…
And this- 20 random acts of kindness that you can do today. <3 Spread the love.
This is horrifying, but hilarious. Nine women share their most mortifying social media mishaps.
I’m currently watching the new Netflix documentary “Take Your Pills,” which talks about the country’s obsession with Adderall and the incessant need to “get ahead”- super interesting.
The velvet fringe dress I wore to my birthday dinner is on sale for $62! It’s so comfortable and I got a ton of compliments.
I’ve been using this lip sleeping mask every night and my lips have never been softer.
What I bought on Amazon:
This week’s buys were kind of boring, but extremely useful.
- I had to re-stock up on my favorite grain-free Siete tortillas! These are seriously SO good.
- Speaking of, after seeing this brand on Shark Tank, I decided to try Palmini pasta. We’ll see how it goes…
- My nephew is obsessed with Stranger Things so I bought this card to send to him
- My nephew also kept asking to use my sleep mask when I was in New York the other week so I ordered him a kid-sized version.